All posts tagged "startup business"

  • manage small business finances financing a startup

    Business 101: 3 smart strategies for financing a startup

    Realizing your dream of being a business owner requires a lot of hard work and dedication. It also requires money. Finding and securing the capital necessary to turn your dream into reality can be tricky...

  • ideas for starting a business

    Ideas for starting a business: A short guide to bring them to life

    Starting a business right now may seem like an impossible idea. There’s so much uncertainty for small businesses as it is. Moments of crisis, tightening of finances and risky economic climates. But whilst an unpredictable...

  • Growing your startup for green production

    How to grow a startup: 3 steps and 8 tips

    This short guide outlines how to grow a startup, with the three key steps and eight clever tips to grow into a thriving company. It’s a dream for many: combining one’s passion with a career...

  • rules of engagement

    Successful startups are…

    … usually the ones that are controlled by responsible entrepreneurs that know how to work the odds in their favour. After all, estimated figures suggest that fewer than two in every 10 new ventures will...

  • Paralegal studies insurance business financial profit loss

    Top 3 legal tips for startup founders

    The economy is perfect for new startups to bloom. There are plenty of consumer problems to solve, which means there are a lot of opportunities for new startups to be the provider of solutions and...

  • Facebook marketing hacks

    5 Ways to use LinkedIn to grow your startup

    Did you know that 64% of referral traffic for business companies comes from LinkedIn? In comparison, only 17% comes from Facebook and only 14% from Twitter. These numbers tell us that we should never ignore...

  • setting up a cafe office design Occupational health and safety

    How to make a home office the effective way to start your business

    When you start a business, finding a place to run it from can be tough. Commercial space can be expensive to rent or to own. And when you first get started, you’re unlikely to need...

  • advancing my career home office decor ideas workplace posters start a business steps

    How to deal with startup losses

    Getting a startup off the ground can be fraught with obstacles, and often this involves taking financial losses. And while it may take the time to work out all of the kinks in a new...

  • growth strategies get out of your comfort zone

    Boost your startup with key tech

    Starting a business requires that you have a lot of know how about many different subjects. Increasingly, one of the most important subjects you need to have a grasp of is technology. The more that...

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