Boss Lady

The 6-step goal setting formula for success


Goal setting is not a new concept as it pertains to success in business and in life; but so often women struggle to set goals in a way that is conducive to success- this was me. That is until I got clear on how to successfully set goals.

Here is the only Goal Setting Formula that you will ever need.

1. Define

Decide what your goals are. It’s essential that you are realistic when you set these goals; however, it’s also important to set aspirational goals that will stretch you to your promised land- don’t underestimate yourself. Write them down. Always write down your goals.

2. Design

[tweet_quote hashtags=”#goalsetting” ]The most important thing about goal setting is to decide[/tweet_quote] on a time frame within which your goal will be achieved. Set a realistic pace to make your desire a reality, but, again, don’t underestimate yourself. I also caution women against being over zealous in your time frame as well; although, I believe in challenging oneself, it can be quite discouraging to see the date come and go without the desired result. You know yourself, so set yourself up for success.

3. Develop

Every goal requires a plan. [tweet_quote hashtags=”#goals” ]Break your goals down into detail[/tweet_quote]. Ask yourself “how will I achieve this goal? What do I need to make my goal happen? I find it beneficial to start with the end result in mind and then work backwards. If you think you can, for instance, get 100 new email subscribers in 3 weeks, break down exactly how you plan on doing this; is it creating a new opt-in on your website or doing a webinar? Use this as tool for figuring out your timeline.

4. Develop

You got to have passion, baby! You have to want what you want, what you do and who you are. With passion and commitment you WILL achieve your goals. You must commit yourself to doing what needs to be done to make your goal a reality. BUT beware of overcommitting yourself so you don’t become discouraged. Goals are intended to light a fire under your bum and fire you up to work harder, but don’t over commit so you fail over and over.

5. Reward

It’s essential to [tweet_quote hashtags=”#womeninbusiness” ]take time to reward yourself [/tweet_quote]as you make progress. Treat yourself to a massage or a lovely lunch with the girls; this will help keep you motivated and moving toward your goal. #TreatYoSelf

6. Share

Lastly, I believe it to be paramount to, not only, memorize your goals, but also to share them with others. Repeat your goals to yourself and others (when appropriate). When you know your goals and believe in your ability to achieve them you will reach them- desire will become reality. Work toward your goals day by day, one step at a time!

Goal setting is one of the foremost tools for making your dreams a reality, and now you’ve got the blueprint for setting goals to get you where you want to go!

About Bianca Osbourne

Are you an entrepreneur? Ready to grow your business, but lack the knowledge and resources to do it yourself? Bianca Osbourne is the mentor for you. She’s keen for people to leverage her vast industry knowledge, experience and wisdom garnered through building a successful brick and mortar wellness business to move your business ahead with confidence.

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