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This guide outlines the range of digital marketing types, and explains the best uses of each one for your business.
Digital marketing is the buzzword strategy every business wants to incorporate, particularly since the world moved to a stronger digital focus during the coronavirus pandemic. But most companies struggle with the implementation bit, and often they do not full avail themselves of all the digital marketing types.
Digital marketing types: overview
In this guide, we help you with not just the implementation but everything you need to know about the mechanism of digital marketing types as well. But, let us first see what digital marketing types actually are and cover some of the digital marketing fundamentals.
Digital marketing involves the usage of electronic devices and channels to get your message across. This message is usually directed at your target audience, which is most likely to show interest in your product. Depending on where your TA is, you can pick a channel and digital marketing types for specific needs. Nowadays, since everyone has access to a phone and the internet, digital marketing has primarily become about the internet!
So, in this article, we are going to explore how digital marketing types work in different ways, keeping the internet channels as our primary subject. The online channels for digital marketing types include your website, social media, podcasts, video streaming platforms, landing pages, and blogs.
Digital marketing types: the 7 top types
Depending on which platform we are talking about, there are various digital marketing types. This is how digital marketing works for each sub-type.
Social media marketing:
To have a strong brand presence online, you should get on as many social media channels as possible. Every brand at least has an Insta, Facebook, and Twitter handle these days. You can use quality posts, cross-promotions, and paid boosts for your posts to give your social media higher visibility.
Consider showcasing your brand’s presence through industry-specific platforms and online directories, especially if you’re an exhibit company. Leveraging platforms like LinkedIn and relevant industry forums can help you reach a targeted audience interested in your products and services, enhancing your online visibility and engagement
Website marketing:
Your website is your online location. This is where your leads come, but they would leave as your loyal buyers if you do your website and customer service right. Your website, if done right, would tell your leads about your services, products, team, and more. The main goal here is to makes the process of purchases easier and smoother. To ensure that, you would need a mobile-friendly layout, a simple design, and great landing pages. All this can be handled by a great digital marketing team such as Uplers. They not only help you maximize your reach but also your conversion while staying budgeted throughout.
- Content marketing:
To make the purchase easier, you would have to provide your leads with helpful content. This can be in the form of blogs, videos, courses, podcasts, etc. The internet is already full of bundles of blogs and videos. To stand out, you should ensure your quality and quantity are both well-maintained. Your content should keep your customers hooked and your leads curious. The best way to do that is to make content, which makes sense for your TA. You should also make engaging posts to lure them into telling you what they want. Feedback surveys and forms should be regularly rolled out via emails so that you can make your consumers participate more and help you devise your future plans.
SEO marketing:
You want your business to gain more visibility, right? Don’t worry! There are various ways of doing so! You could go for paid advertising, which we shall discuss later. However, if you want to do so in a more organic approach, you would have to go for Search Engine Optimization techniques. SEO involves the usage of the right keywords in the right amount. You should also pay attention to your images, website speed, backlinks, inbound links, outbound links, etc since they determine how proper your site would be for SEO to work.
Paid advertising:
If you want to see fast results, you can opt for a Pay-Per-Click or PPC model for your ads. Here, you only pay for ads when someone clicks on them and visits your website. There are various other models you can pick from. However, PPC ensures maximum output in the minimum input for any budget.
Email marketing:
Although we live in the age of snaps and WhatsApp, emails still remain a powerful marketing tool. You can use email marketing to inform your customers about sales, discounts, new launches, product success, any updates, etc. You could also use emails to get your leads interested in buying your product someday. For a successful email marketing campaign, you need a template, which goes with every device your mail recipients could be using to engage with you. You need a catchy subject line, elegant content, minimal layout, and the right time when you send out the mail also matters.
Affiliate marketing:
This is where you use other brands for your marketing. You could go for guest posts or sponsored posts. You could pick from so many social media influencers to hire as your brand ambassadors. The idea here is to reach your TA using brands that already have the reach your desire.
Coming trends in digital marketing types
Check below what are the main trends in future digital marketing types and what you need to be across for the challenges ahead.
1 – SEO gains even more strength among the different strategies
Another of the trends in digital marketing types, which we see as very strong, is the even greater appreciation of SEO work – Website Optimization for Search Engines, one of the main Internet marketing strategies.
This is the technique responsible for the organic exposure, that is, not paid, of the pages of a website in the results of searches carried out in major search engines such as Google and Bing .
In times of cost containment, such as the one we are experiencing, organic exposure is gaining more prominence among digital marketing strategies , as in addition to reducing costs with paid media, search engines generate qualified traffic to the site.
SEO techniques are rapidly becoming more sophisticated, as updates to Google’s algorithms become more and more frequent, seeking to adapt to new consumer habits and new technologies that are emerging every day.
With the new features offered by Google, one of the trends in digital marketingis that it will not be enough to be among the first places, but rather in special highlights such as the “zero position”, or in the FAQ group. That’s why we’ve been calling attention to a new dimension of SEO, which we call SEO On SERP , that is, techniques to stand out on survey response pages.
2 – Featured Content Marketing
In recent years, content marketing has been gaining more prominence among the digital marketing types, and one of the main trends in digital marketing is an even greater growth in this area. It is increasingly common to see the websites of companies from various sectors, associating a blog section to their structure in order to publish articles involving topics related to the company’s products and services.
One of the reasons we place this among the top trends in digital marketing types is that in addition to serving as information sources for potential customers, these blogs also help other areas of digital marketing. A good example is the reinforcement that published articles give to the website optimization process that we have already mentioned. In addition, this content serves as support for posts on social networks.
3 – End of Cookies
Google announced that it will end tracking of cookies as early as 2022, which will impact various digital marketing strategies, such as remarketing on Google Ads. Tracking users on the web is essential for many advertisers and businesses. However, user privacy concerns have become more important to an increasing number of Internet users. This came at a time when the LGPD was implemented, which made consumers much more aware of their online privacy.
Therefore, one of the trends in digital marketing types will be for companies to implement their own data collection systems on people who access their websites and potential consumers.
4 – Sophistication of social media platforms
From what we have been following in recent months, one of the trends in digital marketing will be an increasing sophistication of the resources offered by the various social media platforms. In recent months we’ve seen a fierce fight between major platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube for audience short videos and other dynamic publishing formats.
The consequence of this will be that the production of content for social networks will be increasingly professionalized both with regard to videos and web design, and with regard to copywriting.
Platforms will be more judicious about user-generated content and algorithms will need to be increasingly understood and exploited by content producers. The management of social networks need to be increasingly technical.
5 – More intensive monitoring
One of the trends in digital marketingwill be an intensification of monitoring of marketing actions, whatever the platform. The conversion rate of digital marketing actions will be increasingly related to the monitoring of users.
It will be necessary to monitor the user ‘s journey from research to purchase or generate a Lead , in order to understand increasingly their interests, motivations, pain and obstacles.
Tools such as Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel and other tracking tags are increasingly sophisticated and we need to be aware of every opportunity generated by actions in the various dimensions of online marketing.
6 – Growth in the use of artificial intelligence
In terms of technology, artificial intelligence will be increasingly present in digital marketing types, user interactions and customer service. A good example of this will be seen in the relationship via bots, which are already beginning to incorporate voice features, a strong trend that we will certainly follow.
In addition, virtual assistants like Alexa and Google Home are taking over millions of homes around the world. Thus, artificial intelligence and voice recognition become one of the main trends in digital marketing in 2022 in terms of technology.
7 – Own management of online marketing
One of the main trends in digital marketing types will be the growth of companies that will decide to take control of their own online marketing, as a way to reduce costs and improve results. Due to the financial difficulties caused by the pandemic, many companies started their independent digital immersion process, dispensing with the support of agencies and assuming their own digital marketing.
This, in brief, is how digital marketing works and will work int he future to make your business shine. Of course, there are more details to each of these points. To know kore, you should get in touch with a marketing expert who can help you maximize your growth.
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