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7 Ways for startups to grow this year


One can easily get the impression that promoting startup growth in 2019 is almost impossible. The competition has become very harsh, the markets are becoming over-saturated, and customers became more demanding with each passing day. While the evidence is overwhelming, you should not rest your case. There are plenty of ways to promote the growth of your startup, ways that are more than viable in 2019.

Tap into a new fund

Implementing new strategies will require you to become financially equipped. And since you are running a small business, putting extra money aside from sales is often impossible.  This is why you need to explore other options. The best way to do this is to break down your ultimate goal into smaller ones.

Achieving one of the predetermined goals is a great way to show investors that your business is worth investing in.  After you find investors or ask co-founders for more cash, the next logical move is to invest that cash smartly. Raising salaries or getting new gadgets can wait.  New funds should be directed to actions that will directly lead to an increased customer base, more leads, and more sales captured.

Learn more about your potential customers

One of the most important things you should ask yourself is who are your customers. You’ve probably already done this to some extent in the early product or service development phases. But markets are very volatile, and people’s needs and pain points tend to rapidly change. This is why new market research is in order.

To drive sales, you need to deliver an effective marketing message to your potential customers. When you know who they are, what they want, and how they want it, it will become so much easier for you to bring your products or services closer to them.

Use LMS to create l&d opportunities for your employees

You should also be aware of the trends regarding the workforce if you want to grow your startup. According to multiple sources, corporate training is of vital importance to your company’s success. Did you know that 76% of employees are looking for L&D opportunities, while 87% of millennials think of professional development as something very important?

Integrating a feature-rich Learning Management System solution in your day-to-day practice will provide your employees with professional growth opportunities. But, more importantly, you will ensure that your employees stay on top of their game and incorporate the best practices in your business processes. With online exam software, your employees will be able to learn and take exams on the go and with any device in their hands.

Meet your customers where they are

As a young brand, you should strive towards building a long-lasting relationship with your customers. The brands that succeed in doing so are able to leverage it and grow at a rapid pace. The question is how to do it in a limited time frame? One of the recent surveys tells us that customers still prefer email over any other communication channel. More than 70% of customers responded that they prefer email to communicate with a company.

But your goal is to grow right? This means you have to provide as many communication opportunities as possible. The problem is, you are limited by short numbers both in terms of finances and the workforce. This is why you should look for solutions to automate some of your communication efforts, including email marketing automation tools and chat bot software.

Create more leads with valuable content

If you have heard anything about digital marketing, chances are that you know that creating content around specific keywords helps driving more traffic to your website. Ultimately, you get more leads, convert them into customers, and make more money. To some extent, this is true. You should research keywords to identify the ones viable for your target market.

But when it comes to content, don’t create it around the keywords just to increase your ranking in the search engine result pages. Devise a strong content marketing strategy. Write about your customers’ pain points, deliver what they want to read. In return, you will increase your standings in SERPS but also generate leads and boost your conversion rates.

Improve your customer service

Customer service is one of the most vital aspects of your business model. How you interact with your customers will shape how they see your brand. Good customer service goes a long way in building long-lasting relationships with your customers. It will help you ensure repeat purchases and fuel word of mouth marketing. This is why you should make your customer service reflect your brand values and constantly work on improving it. The best way to do so is to constantly go through customer feedback.

Whether you deploy social listening or scan review sites for your brand mention, respect your customers’ opinions,] and do everything in your power to improve the way you deal with them.

Deliver perfect products

Delivering a perfect product or service is very hard. But your efforts to do so will not go unnoticed. After the first reviews, you can officially thank the reviewers and tell everyone how you plan to address the issues presented in those reviews.

Show your customers and potential customers that you continuously work on perfecting your products and services and that you value their input. This will make them feel like they are part of your brand story and help you generate a loyal customer base to fuel your business growth and development.

Each one of these 7 ways will help you promote business growth. Ultimately, you are the one who knows your market the best, so we let you decide which course of action to pursue.

About Kamy Anderson'

Kamy Anderson is an ed-tech enthusiast with a passion for writing for the consumer market in the areas of product research and marketing using quizzes and surveys. Having a knack for writing and an editorial mind-set. He is an expert researcher atProProfs.

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