Career Woman

Online courses: 5 reasons women do better than men in learning online


This guide outlines the reasons that women are dominating in online courses, and what it means for women.

In the field of education, the internet has made some remarkable strides which mostly benefit minority groups – particularly women. Removing the location and time limitation the traditional education system imposed, and giving women access to educational resources and the opportunity to improve their living standards through online courses.

Why women do better than men in online courses

Women from across the globe are taking full advantage of the new normal. Enrolling in online courses in massive numbers. Choosing to work and learn from home and embracing the emotional intelligence that was previously regarded as weak. That’s why in this article, we look at five reasons why women dominate in online courses.

1. More Women Pursue Higher Education in General

At the turn of the 21st century, women worldwide finally surpassed men in higher education enrollment. With 44% of females aged 18-44 pursuing higher education, compared to just 37% of males. It’s no surprise then that women are dominating online courses.

Choosing to get an education without being location bound. Women who didn’t finish high school/college. Women who are caregivers and working full time. Women who couldn’t attend schools in their country due to religious beliefs. Or those living in countries where education only goes so far as high school. Education is no longer limited to the few single ladies with no dependents, born in developed parts of the world. It’s not a man’s world anymore and women across the globe are taking full advantage.

2. More Online Courses Are for Women

Online courses mostly focus on soft skills- creativity, time management, and collaboration. Which are subjects that interest women more than men, and not because the topics are difficult or less meaningful. But because of the emotional intelligence necessary to hone a soft skill.

Women usually outperform men in many of the underlying skills that lead to job success, commonly referred to as soft skills. These abilities cannot be determined through testing and are learned through constant practice. Making the skills less appealing to men.

Employers are increasingly favouring new hires that work well with others and require little supervision. Mostly because of the shift from brick and mortar offices to virtual workplaces. Where technical savviness is preferred to traditional degrees. Encouraging more women to enrol in courses in line with the new workplace environment.

3. Flexibility

Ask any woman what’s her favourite thing about learning online and flexibility will be her answer. While many women would love to enrol in a traditional system of education. The demands of family or/and a full-time career usually prevent them from going back to school.

Attending classes early in the morning or in the middle of the day simply isn’t possible for a mother with three kids under five years. While those who are taking care of elderly relatives or acting as guardians to underage relatives; Spend so much time taking care of others, there aren’t enough hours in a day left to pursue their dreams.

An online education gives women the freedom to adjust the learning pace to fit their schedule. Choosing to study during the kid’s nap time, after everyone is asleep, or even listening to an audio transcript while doing house chores and errands. A flexibility the traditional education system previously denied them.

4. Careers Require Frequent Upskilling

Women tend to favour professions where continuous education (upskilling) is valued and even required. From healthcare and social services to education- professionals in these fields need to advance their education to move up the career ladder.

Even though a postgraduate degree could lead to a 50% salary increase, very few women can afford to quit their jobs and go back to school full time. Online education solves this problem. Allowing women to learn part-time and still be on time for their full-time jobs.

You no longer have to choose between advancing your career. Or meeting your monthly economic commitments like mortgages, car payments or rent. Online education has made it possible for women to have the best of both worlds.

5. Reduced Expenses

A study on the cost of an online education versus the traditional system revealed savings from online courses ranging from 3% to 50%. Studying online is clearly a great way to save money. And in families where women are the only breadwinners and have several dependants, an online education is looked upon favourably.
Women are caregivers at heart.

And if going to school diminishes the standard of living for their family, many will choose not to go. The reduced cost of online learning makes it possible for women to meet their financial obligations and still get an education, a win-win.


Unsurprisingly, the number of doctoral and doctoral students has grown considerably since the last decade. A survey by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel shows an increase of 61% in six years, and the pandemic has brought to light the expectation that the female presence will be even greater in these spaces, with more women seeking opportunities for a formal education.

According to the socioeconomic report of the selection process of the State Faculties of Technology, there was a 14.71% increase among women enrolled in vocational courses, a record. A factor that facilitated this growth that has never been seen before is distance learning, which became more recurrent after the start of restrictive measures implemented as a measure to combat the coronavirus.

We know that women have more difficulties in the job market, starting with prejudice, and face-to-face education is seen as another obstacle for those who accumulate several shifts of functions, such as children, home and work. With the pandemic, the online formatting courses served as a facilitator for the search and the chance for these women to have more alternatives in the market. In the first half of 2020, only 33.12% of the vacancies were filled by women, while in 2021 the index rose to 47.83%, a significant increase.

Also this is important to show the change in the profile of those interested in the courses, since there is a growing demand for remote or hybrid education. Studying is important and keeping a plan in formatting classes, given the population’s needs, is imperative.

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