Boss Lady

From zero to hero: how to stop your company wasting so much money


The basic premise of a company is to make a profit. It does so by promoting its products and services while keeping its overheads to a minimum. Unfortunately, a lot of businesses have failed to grasp such a basic concept. While they might do all the right things to market their brand, their spending can often be out of control! As you can appreciate, such a lack of command will spell disaster for those firms and, ultimately, cause them to cease trading.

It’s likely that you are reading this article today because you are worried your company is spending too much money. And it could also be possible that you’re unsure of how to cut down on your firm’s expenditure. Believe it or not, many companies waste money on all sorts of expenses, some of which are not needed for those businesses to function!

Keep reading to learn more about how you can stop your company wasting so much money. Here is what you need to know:

Outsource processes that will cost too much time and money to learn

Virtually all companies outsource something in their operations to a certain degree. The thing is, some business leaders try to save cash by doing almost everything themselves. Or delegating many tasks to their staff, of course!

The problem with that approach is both you and your employees won’t be experts at every aspect of your business. That’s why it makes sense to outsource those things to third-party companies. Doing so also means you can free up your firm’s time to dedicate on more pressing matters.

Get an expert to take care of your accounting needs

They say that tax doesn’t have to be taxing, but it is if you try to manage your company’s accounting processes yourself! The sad reality of taxation is that it’s a complicated animal. More often than not, businesses find themselves paying more taxes and fees that are necessary. Why? Because they don’t really know what they are doing when they file their tax returns!

As with the section above, it pays to hand over that side of things to people that know about tax laws and processes like the back of their hands! It doesn’t matter whether you use the services of a small business bookkeeping firm or a management accountant. They will make sense of your receipts and invoices, and ensure your company is saving money on its tax bills.

Only buy technology that you’re going to use

Arguably one of the biggest ways that many firms waste money each year is on technology purchases. Sure, all modern businesses need a plethora of gadgets and equipment to function as efficiently as possible. However, there is no point buying items that you and your employees will seldom use.

Just because a 3D printer seems like a cool idea doesn’t mean it’s something that will add value to the products and services you offer! It’s vital that you make a proper business case for any major purchases in your company. That way, you could even find cheaper alternatives to save you more money over the long run.

Make sure your marketing is up to scratch

Do you run one of those businesses that stick with the same marketing strategies year after year? Do they only provide you a small return on your investment? If the answer to both questions is yes, it’s time to rethink those strategies.

As you know, there are a plethora of ways to advertise a brand and the products and services it offers. What you might be forgetting about marketing is that techniques might work well for one year but become defunct the next.

It’s important that your business evolves with the marketing industry just like it does with its own one. Take the time to learn about the latest and greatest techniques that bring real results. Doing so will mean your money goes further in your marketing budgets. Also, you can use it as an opportunity to learn more about your customers and competitors. For example, what marketing methods do the top competing brands use to attract new business?

Preferred suppliers are a thing of the past

As controversial as it might sound to you, there is no place in today’s business world to have a “preferred” supplier. Most vendors will be only too happy to bend over backward to beat their competitor’s prices, especially if you’re placing a volume order or repeat ones.

Sure, you might have a good working relationship with your suppliers. You may even be on first-name terms with them and perhaps meet with them socially on occasion. But, using the same suppliers for everything your business needs is likely costing you a lot of money.

To survive and grow in your industry, you need to keep your costs as low as possible. Comparing prices and quotes from several suppliers is a must to help make that happen. The good news is that it’s easier than you think to compare prices. For a start, price comparison websites are plentiful on a broad range of products and services online.

You can also invite suppliers to “bid” for a tender to supply your company with the things you need for a particular project.

Don’t hire employees unless you need them

It’s no secret that one of the biggest costs to any business, regardless of their industry, is the hiring of people. Human resources costs can often spiral out of control for companies of any size. Aside from salary expenses, you must also take care of admin costs, taxes, pensions, and other fees.

Soon, those HR costs will mount up, even if you hire a small team of just five individuals. Consider drawing up a list of your firm’s processes and the tasks needed to complete them. Next, determine whether you can justify hiring a person to carry out those tasks, or if you can delegate them to an existing team member.

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