Boss Lady

4 tips if you don’t want to digital detox


You might have heard the buzz words ‘digital detox’ being thrown around in recent times, and you might find yourself feeling anxious at the idea of taking part in one.

There’s been a focus on detoxing from the digital world outside of work hours, and making a point of putting the laptop away and the phone down. But before you jump on the bandwagon and consider trying one, it’s important to stop and think about whether it’s completely necessary for your lifestyle and if it will benefit you. Start by asking yourself, will this cause more anxiety for you than relief?

We’ve all been guilty of being attached to our devices and some of us find it difficult to step away from them and be completely disconnected. Sometimes it’s about taking control and being mindful of how much time you are spending on technology, and knowing when it’s time to step away.

But how?

Here are my top tips for disciplining your digital detox to achieve high performance and productivity in all aspects of life, based on the principles of Inside 80 Performance:

1. Figure out what you’re trying to achieve

The first step is to focus on what you want to achieve and what works for you. Everyone is different. You might feel that to achieve high performance, you need to engage with technological activities to do so. You might also feel overwhelmed with the stress of being expected to be on your device and on call 24/7. Find out what you want to achieve and plan your digital discipline accordingly. A digital detox isn’t for everyone, so it could be about managing your digital use instead. For example, limit being online between work hours and switch off once you leave the office.  

2. Discipline your use of technology

[tweet_quote hashtags=”#digitaldetox” ]Are you constantly distracted by emails coming through?[/tweet_quote] Don’t worry, most people are. Try to limit your email frequency and change your settings to push notifications. This way you can dictate when you want to see your emails and you won’t let them distract you. This also depends on your natural pace. If you’re fast paced, accessing your emails more frequently is fine and suits the way you work, as you are physiologically equipped to flip between tasks and it won’t be a detriment to your productivity. If you are slower paced, checking your emails less frequently would work better for you.

Changing your email settings will allow you to gain a sense of control, which will result in lower stress levels and will help you focus on the task at hand without feeling overwhelmed or distracted.

To determine your natural pace, visit:

3. Don’t be quick to cut technology out of your life – learn to integrate it

Going cold turkey is a method that’s been used for years and years when people feel they need to gain control back in their lives. Depending on your personality, this may or may not be an effective technique. When it comes to technology, people often feel that it’s best to just cut it out completely, when in actual fact, it’s best to simply figure out a way of integrating it into your lifestyle.

Using technology outside of the office gives us freedom to be productive and leaves us with a sense of accomplishment. It can also help us to free up our brains to focus on the right things at the right times. For example, I’m a big believer in keeping lists so that I don’t have to remember anything. I prefer to use my mental energy on other things so I use my phone to keep lists for everything from groceries to what books I want to buy.

4. Be mindful and present

[tweet_quote hashtags=”#digitaldetox” ]People are always multi-tasking, especially women[/tweet_quote]! We’re running businesses, getting our kids ready for school, attending events, cooking dinner, we have one pulse on social media and we’re checking our emails all at the same time. That’s why the idea of a digital detox may sound appealing to some, when in fact, you’re able to do all of the above properly if you set each task apart and focus.

If you’re with your family or friends, put the phone down, and focus on them. If you do have a task you have to complete for work, then take some time for yourself and focus on that task and work with quality and precision until it’s done. Being present in whatever you’re completing is the key to being digitally disciplined and you’ll quickly gain control back in your life.


About Vanessa Bennett

Vanessa Bennett is a fitness instructor, high performance coach, and CEO of Inside 80 Performance Australia guiding clients across energy, nutrition and corporate success. Find out your Natural Pace by taking the free Indicator Test on the website.

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