Elizabeth Williamson
Elizabeth Williamson is a conflict resolution expert with over 30 years’ experience as a counsellor, coach, consultant and trainer. She is an accredited mediator, who has facilitated the successful resolution of complex workplace conflicts in large corporations, finance industry, government, SMEs and NGOs. She has extensive experience in conflict resolution skills coaching for managers and business leaders. As Founder and Principal of Elizabeth Williamson Solutions she is passionate about teaching how to creating value from difficult and everyday conflicts and leading a cultural change about positive conflict management in our workplaces, families and all relationships. Elizabeth Williamson Solutions provides a range of services including coaching and training in conflict resolution and holding ground with difficult people, and independent mediation to resolve complicated conflicts. Elizabeth is an experienced couples and family therapist, committed to helping our most important relationships thrive and create a more peace-filled community, in every conversation we have. Elizabeth regularly writes, speaks and presents about conflict resolutions skills.
Boss Lady
5 top tips to cure office conflicts
Workplace conflicts steal your energy and motivation at the office. Not to mention...