Career Woman
Life insurance rates for careerists: look for better ones vs cancel
This guide outlines when you should look for better life insurance rates and when you should cancel. We too often stay with the same insurance company and don’t shop around for better prices, and this is the case with...
Career stagnation signs — and what to do about them!
This guide outlines the 5 top signs of career stagnation, and what you can do to address them and get your career going again. No job stays on its “honeymoon” phase forever, and you may have since cooled down...
Motivate employees to improve performance with smart strategies
This guide outlines several engaging strategies to motivate employees as a business owner or team manager. Better ways to motivate employees Motivating employees to improve their performance is one of the most important tasks for any manager or business...
Business ideas for women starting out on their first venture
Life is always so rewarding for an ambitious woman and if you are one then you may be wanting to start looking at business ideas for women, either as a side venture or something that can grow into your...
Personal branding is not just a PR exercise
In many circles, the notion of personal branding was once deemed as a PR tactic just for business moguls or celebrities. Now, personal branding is something that we should all practice. There are many reasons why being the face...
Secret Santa gifts need careful consideration for colleagues
This guide outlines the 3 key things to consider when buying Secret Santa gifts for people you work with or who work for you. It’s that time of year again, when the office Christmas parties are being arranged and...
Business knowledge boosters: 8 ways to improve
This guide outlines 8 smart strategies to improve your business knowledge as part of your ongoing development. Are you looking for ways to improve your knowledge of the business? If so, you are in luck! In this blog post,...
Working while pregnant: what to expect at work
This guide outlines workplace factors you should be aware of if you plan to be working while pregnant. For many women, becoming a mother is one of their most exciting and fulfilling experiences. However, it can also be a...
Create a YouTube channel for vlogging success
Vlogging has become one of the fastest-growing marketing and influencer segments, but you need to create a YouTube channel that will bring you success. Living in the era of advancing technology, people today are more inclined to look out...