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Career Woman
This is the car to make a consultancy classroom sit up and pay attention
When you deliver consultancy seminars, it’s usual to have somebody arrive late and then not really pay full attention. But when half the room (of engineers) arrives late because...
Boss Lady
Emma Watson tells us how to view barriers
Harry Potter star Emma Watson has waved her magic wand and cast a spell of motivation upon aspiring females everywhere. Emma Watson has continued to take to Twitter to...
5 tips on how to be brave
Being brave is something that doesn’t come easily to many of us. That’s because bravery isn’t a trait we’re born with, it’s a learned attribute and one that comes...
Boss Lady
5 signs your business needs more structure
How do you know when your business needs more structure – and what can you do about it? A business becomes self-sustainable when it has a repeat client base,...
Impact storytelling: 10 tips to make business impact
Impact storytelling has emerged as the number one leadership and influencing skill for the next decade. At a recent event held by How To Impact, I discussed how impact storytelling...
Five ways style can express your personality | The Business Woman TV
One of the most common questions we get asked in image development sessions, “How can I look professional without losing my personality?” What dressing for success really means is...
Boss Lady
10 tips on how to present in the boardroom
There is a statistic that is used over and over again that the number one fear is to speak in public — an even greater fear than death. And...
Boss Lady
7 tips to stop your career sinking
Maybe you see your career as ‘the unsinkable’. However that’s what they said about the Titanic – so they weren’t on the lookout for risks that could endanger it....
Boss Lady
The 11 worst career mistakes you can make
Everybody makes mistakes. But businesswomen are often scrutinized for career mistakes that, let’s face it, the men simply wouldn’t worry about. Unfair? Yes. Reality? Also yes. And when...
Boss Lady
10 Tips to get rid of pre-interview nerves
We all get nervous about something, sometime. Whether it’s making a speech, hosting a party or an up-coming interview. Interviews, particularly, can make us incredibly nervous because, unless we’re...
Boss Lady
Why mentoring should matter to you
We all know – or should know – that mentoring is important for young professionals wanting to further their knowledge and career. But what we often miss is how...
Boss Lady
Every day can be International Women’s Day
A half-marathon is mind over matter I am told. To mark International Women’s Day on 8th March, I ran the Semi-Marathon de Paris – therefore with 21km of thinking...