All posts tagged "job applications"
How to prepare for a background check when applying for a job
An employment study showed that 53% of all job applications contained information that was not accurate. This means 1 out of every 2 people you are up against for a job could be lying about...
6 things to consider when applying for jobs
It’s time to nail that dream career, develop a killer application and get the job you love! But when applying for jobs or even deciding whether to work at a new company, it’s essential to...
8 steps to easily get a better job
Nobody likes dragging themselves to work in the morning while imagining a better job, yet that’s exactly what millions of people do on a regular basis. You have a job and it gives you enough...
Resume professional style: How to make your resume stand out
This short guide outlines the best resume professional style tips to make your resume stand out from the crowd. The process required to land a job is pretty much cut and dried. You build a...
Effective tips to write a winning cover letter
Applying for a job is a job itself. It combines your skill, passion, and dedication. An adequate preparation is vital to ensure an optimal result. Obviously, it will demand your time and a lot of...
Job-hopping millennials: How to make them stay
Millennials now make up the majority of the workforce, and people from older generations who have worked with them may have a lot to say about these young professionals. What has been observed about them...
You’re hired! a millennial’s guide to getting the job
A great career is a priority for millions of modern women, especially as the opportunities are greater than ever. That’s not to suggest for a second that there is equality across the board, but there’s...