All posts tagged "public speaking"

  • 5 Tips to master the art of public speaking

    Do you have literal nightmares about public speaking? Are you breaking out in a sweat even reading the intro to this article?Then read on. Public speaking leadership doesn’t have to be scary. Personally, overcoming the fear of...

  • 5 public speaking tips to fix nervousness

    The fear of public speaking is technically known as glossophobia. Does the thought of talking in front of even a small crowd give you the nervous jitters? If so, you’re not alone. A reported 75%...

  • Shyness

    How boring 5000 people to sleep helped me become a better public speaker and coach

    Are you really getting your point across to the audience? Do you think you’ll be attacked if people decide they don’t like what you’re saying? Do your words capture the attention of your audience? Can your...

  • How to market yourself and get booked as a speaker

    In order to market yourself and get booked as a speaker you must first understand why you should consider speaking at events.  If you have a message, or you want to influence people, speaking is...

  • Overcoming the fear of public speaking

    Shaking hands and shaking legs, stumbling over words, sounding like a textbook and feeling foolish. That was me giving a talk! This hell dominated my life when I was working years ago in the corporate...

  • neural networks manufacturing software digital first strategy IT systems statistician jobs best technology AI for business How to become a full stack developer

    The one thing that makes you sound less smart

    We all want to sound smart. But there’s one little habit that can undo everything, no matter how knowledgeable or professional we are. Filler words like “um”, “ahh”, and “err” can make you appear unintelligent...

  • workplace communication strategies Advice for women Receiving feedback

    5 reasons you need to become a better speaker

    Practice makes perfect! The only way to improve in any skill is through practice. Reading and watching other people do something is not practice. It can only be helpful if you apply what you learn...

  • workplace communication strategies Advice for women Receiving feedback

    7 ways to nail your public speaking

    Public speaking is reportedly the greatest fear people feel. And what’s behind that fear? Concern about stumbling, or being thought foolish, or not being a ‘great orator’. But the truth is that very few people...

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