When I started playing poker with friends a couple of years ago, I never imagined that my casual hobby would eventually turn into a passion which sees me play at professional tournaments. The fact is that most women often shy away from poker, believing it to be a man’s game. Enter the average casino and it’s not difficult to see why. Female representation is low, the atmosphere is testosterone fuelled and sexist comments are thrown across the table like poker chips. Yet there is so much for a career woman to learn from the psychology of the game. Here are some excellent tips for the ambitious woman which I came to learn through my love for poker.
1. Deciphering a poker face
As women, we often seem to have the world expecting emotion of us. If we don’t smile, we risk coming across as bitter or joyless. If we don’t seem compassionate then we risk being deemed heartless. Men, on the other hand, are expected to hide their emotions from an early age, resulting in communication difficulties between the sexes. Don’t be pressured into feigning emotion when a neutral reaction will suffice. Similarly, don’t be intimidated by a man who appears emotionless – this is nothing but a poker face and it should not give a man control over you. This is an especially important thing to remember in the world of business, where women often mistakenly judge an emotionless response from their superiors as a sign of disapproval.
2. Observing people
This is closely related to point one, – [tweet_quote hashtags=”#poker” ]make a habit of reading people[/tweet_quote]! The better you are at picking up on nonverbal cues and sympathising with your colleagues, the better manager you will make. The workplace thrives when there are strong relationships between coworkers, and this will involve quickly identifying and resolving any tension that arises. Become more in touch with the needs and desires of your colleagues by observing their behaviour. Do they seem stressed, concerned or apathetic? Take the
3. Knowing when to fold
There’s no shame in backing down in a situation where an unforeseen factor or new development has challenges your previous stance. In fact, allowing yourself to become enlightened in the face of new evidence is much more admirable than standing stubbornly be your previous convictions.
4. Taking risks
Sometimes you have to live a little! Women are significantly more likely to underestimate their own abilities and are therefore less likely to take risks in their professional and social lives. There’s no reason for this to be the case, and there’s no shame in being brave and taking the occasional risk. Just like in poker, it can really pay off to just go with your intuition sometimes. You never know – the odds are in you favour!
5. Knowing that everyone bluffs
[tweet_quote hashtags=”#callbluff” ]Do you ever feel like a total imposter?[/tweet_quote] Are you putting on a fake smile for the world and bluffing your way to the top? Relax, everyone’s just as full of doubt as you are. Everyone bluffs. The trick is to rid yourself of those negative and self-deprecating thoughts as soon as they enter your head. You have as much right as anyone else to enjoy success and respect – so don’t underestimate yourself! Be confident. Be unapologetic.
6. Accepting defeat
Sometimes you can do everything right and still lose. You can make an entirely reasonable and even excellent call, and yet – you become the victim of a ‘bad beat’. Though infuriatingly disheartening at times, the mark of an emotionally intelligent person is that they accept what has come to pass, learn from it, and remain motivated in their onward path. The most successful individuals wouldn’t be where they are today unless they were able to overcome their failures. You too can achieve great things if you don’t let the occasional loss get you down.
7. Playing the cards you’re dealt
Always make the best out of what you already have. Creative people typically have a knack for improvising with whatever tools they find handy. Being resourceful can mean a lot of things. Most importantly, it will make you a better employee. If you find yourself in a tricky scenario, turn it upside and approach it from a different angle. Knowing how to make a little go a long will save time, hassle and cost.
8. Aiming for the jackpot
Though being too hard on yourself and setting unrealistic goals is nothing but counter-productive, it is in fact healthy to aim for achievable objectives and reward yourself upon fulfilling them. Never before in history has it been so apparent that women are every bit as ambitious as men – whether it concerns career progression, financial success or intellectual fulfillment. So – set your eyes on the prize and enjoy the challenges on the road to winning it!
9. Caring for your mind
To be successful in a game such as poker, one should play only when they’re at their mental peak. A clear-headed, concentrated and well rested mind is the best kind of mind to bring to a card table. The same goes for your career. If you nurture your mind, you perform better. Your thought processes are clearer, you make better decisions, your attitude is more positive and your creativity will flow! Eat well, sleep well and challenge yourself – your mind will be better for it.
10. Enjoying the ride
Whether you win or lose, make sure to appreciate the thrills along the way. Sometimes not everything goes to plan — and for that, there is Betulator — but the fun lies in learning and knowing that you’ve given it all you can.