Hazel Theocharous
Hazel Theocharous is a busy lady, running two businesses, a family and is host of a radio program targeted specifically at small business owners. After running a successful virtual assistance business in Sydney, Hazel moved with her family to London and has now established herself as a Small Business Trainer and Business Consultant assisting business owners across the globe with blogging and social media as a Trainer and with a self-created Review, Analysis and Recommendation process for larger businesses to ensure their businesses are aligned, efficient and productive. In addition to this, Hazel is in the process of writing a six-book series targeted to the small business market. Follow her at www.facebook.com/learngrowtransform
Boss Lady
How you can make working from home, work for you
Working from home can sometimes seem the best and easiest thing in the...
Boss Lady
The biggest reason to have a newsletter – and the 7 rules
Yes, there are many reasons why you should have a newsletter, and I...
Boss Lady
Which social media is right for you?
So, you are on Facebook personally but you have just recently started your...
Boss Lady
6 simple tips to write a blog
“I have a website and a Facebook page. I am an active networker,...