Boss Lady

6 simple tips to write a blog


“I have a website and a Facebook page. I am an active networker, so why would I need to blog as well?” This is a standard question that a lot of small business owners ask consistently.

Other business owners ask “What exactly is a blog post?” or comment that they do not have anything to write about that someone else would want to read. First of all, a blog post is simply an article that covers your experiences and advice.

So, why would I say that a blog written by you is the most relevant marketing you can do for your business?

Simple! You have experiences, knowledge and expertise that others do not. This is what you need to share.

A website allows you to upload your business information, packages, what you offer etc. Being active on at least one social media platform is imperative as you want to be seen by your target audience. Networking face to face is the best way to tell people that you actually exist.

But… Yes, but!… Your blog will showcase your expertise. It allows you to provide informative posts and case studies whilst boosting your Google rankings. Who doesn’t want that?

The top 6 tips to getting started with your blog are:

  • Be ready

Mentally you will need to feel confident that you can create your own blog. Remind yourself of all your experience, and all the things you know and can share.

  • Be focused

Schedule time into your business week to focus on writing your blog. Set this time aside with no distractions. It needn’t be long.

  • Be edited

Make sure you have somebody with good editing or literary skills look over your pieces for editing and polish. Your writing will appear more professional, and you will learn from the changes they make.

  • Be creative

Use imagery and video to break up your content and attract visitors visually.

  • Be informative

Share your knowledge to inform and engage your readers. Even if you are just starting out in your business or career, you will have experiences to share.

  • Be sharing

Try to get your views published externally (such as on Business Woman Media), and once they’re published, share them throughout social media and ask others to do so as well

An example of how you can create and showcase your expertise.

You are a beautician and you enjoy helping people with their skin. What sort of blog posts could you create? Well firstly, I would create a ‘mind map’ and put the word SKIN in the middle! Then what could you create posts on? Use sub-headings such as ‘Case Studies’, ‘Winter vs Summer Skin’, ‘Teenage skin’, ‘Facials are they beneficial’ etc.

A great way to get started with your blog posts is to use the most common questions that your current clients ask. Why? Because other people will want to ask the same questions and you can cover these in an informative post, without giving all of the answers away.

So now is the time to get started with writing.

About Hazel Theocharous

Hazel Theocharous is a busy lady, running two businesses, a family and is host of a radio program targeted specifically at small business owners. After running a successful virtual assistance business in Sydney, Hazel moved with her family to London and has now established herself as a Small Business Trainer and Business Consultant assisting business owners across the globe with blogging and social media as a Trainer and with a self-created Review, Analysis and Recommendation process for larger businesses to ensure their businesses are aligned, efficient and productive. In addition to this, Hazel is in the process of writing a six-book series targeted to the small business market. Follow her at

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