Boss Lady

How to efficiently manage the ‘moving parts’ of an event


Planning an event takes a lot more skill than most people realize. It requires precise attention to detail, keeping everyone on the same page, and having everything under control. You have to be ready to face any last minute disaster because just when you think everything is running smoothly, think again! Remember, the more things added to a show be it music, fashion or art, only means one extra thing you have to keep track of. All these “moving parts” have to work together efficiently in order for everything to go well. If you want to host a hands-down, smashing event then here’s my advice to you.

Keep a steady grip

Many aspects come into play when planning and event such as the venue, camera crew, and the audience to name a few. You need to keep a keen eye and a steady grip on all these factors else you risk things spiraling out of control. This might turn a small get together into a much larger event than anticipated.

Say you host a fashion show to enhance ticket sales and spark a different crowd to join you. The producer of the show says it’s a wonderful idea! But soon, your small touch to compliment an event quickly grows and overpowers you. Now, you’ve lost track of the event mission and jeopardized your relationship with others involved.  When that happens, whether behind the scene or in front of an audience, keep a calm head and make do with what you have.

Be mindful of others

Say the venue approves your show. Only a set amount of people can attend and you get a fixed block of time to set up, put on the event, and take it down. Now add a camera crew and photographer to the scene plus a fashion preview that quickly doubles, even triples in people and time….congrats, you’ve been overwhelmed and you’ve overstayed your welcome.

My advice would be to pull on the reins and shut it down. Taking advantage of a venue is no way to boost image or strengthen business relationships. Your announcement should go something like this, “due to circumstances beyond control, we’re canceling the show.”  Enjoy some popcorn on your way out.  Done!  Show Over!  Turning a blind eye here would only be inconsiderate to others involved. Going way overboard and “beyond control” means that production was irresponsible and did not take the venue, host or audience into consideration.  The bottom line is, be aware and try to stop a problem before it starts.

Have a checklist on hand.

Keep a list of the most necessary items or to-do’s for your event. Having a plan and staying as organization as possible will help you see where you need to devote most of your attention to. Rather than sending out emails and making calls, address everyone at the walk-thru. Take advantage of that time discuss is what the goal and mission are.  If you see a production member start to add to it, guess what, that’s their own agenda and has nothing to do with you. You made your announcement, time to move on.

No, it’s not exclusive

You’ll deal with a lot of people in these types of events so make sure everyone is well informed and on the same page. Make note of who is willing to work with your conditions and who isn’t.

In the past I’ve certainly learned, that if you want models to show up hair/make up and runway ready, well, most designers just won’t do that. Designers and fashion productions like to have free roam and really pour into the behind the scenes. Newsflash, don’t let them do it! Put your foot down and say, you can be a part of the event, just get ready somewhere else!  The reason I say this is because, it’s never self-contained and they will undoubtedly need things and add to what is usually more last minute event madness. Another thing is, let them know from the start that unless they are paying their way into an event–it’s not exclusive to them and you will have other designers or models. Otherwise, calls and emails will start once the other designer’s social media is better advertised and they feel the competition.

So here’s a recap of fashion incorporated into your event:

  • set a maximum # of people and stick to it. Let them know, “one person over and you will not be allowed in.”
  • give a strict amount of stage time.
  • give an “out by” time otherwise they tend to linger and hold up the venue.
  • let them know it’s not exclusive to them
  • discuss media, both personal and other forms of system check in
  • have security on speed dial just in case anything else goes wrong.

Having a successful event is not just good audience feedback it’s the production, venue, and host that also has to feel unanimous. Everyone is on the same team and looking out for each other. However, one of the hardest situations to deal with is not being called back to work together anew. That in itself is disheartening for all involved as most think they are doing something so amazing but it turns out that it’s the complete opposite.

Here’s my disclaimer and I’m sticking to it! “The topic or examples and incidents portrayed in this article are fictitious and have no identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.  Although I’m sure many can relate or have been witness to these situations in which case, let me know your reaction.”

About Adrienne Mazzone

Adrienne Mazzone, president of, oversees both its domestic and expanding international operations. Adrienne has a diverse working background that includes Arts, Entertainment and Events. She has many years of experience producing grand openings, film festivals, art shows and concerts as well as yachting and sporting events. Mazzone has successfully achieved goals for many clients, from arranging prominent galas for the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation’s national 501(c)(3) to the Palm Beach International Film Festival. Among other prominent venues in South Florida, she has also coordinated celebrity-filled golf tournaments and fashion show luncheons at the Ritz-Carlton. Mazzone tweets frequently from both @adriennemazzone and @transmediagroup. She is also an avid animal lover who seeks a better image for pit bulls and actively rides her Indian motorcycle, a partner of

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