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Boss Lady
11 networking tips everyone should know
In today’s society, career advancement is as much about knowing the right people to help elevate you as it is about having the right skills. Simply put, it’s not...
Boss Lady
Money blocks that are holding you back: here are the top 5
This guide outlines what Money Blocks are, and the 5 top symptomatic Money Blocks that are barriers to your success. Following on from the previous article I wrote about...
How TV shows can make us better managers
You might be satisfied with your team and believe you are doing well, but studies say that, typically, only 13% of team members are engaged. Can you imagine if...
Boss Lady
10 tips to get the most from a business coach
One of the smartest business decisions you can make is hiring a coach to support you in your endeavour to build an empire. I’m honestly blown away whenever I...
Boss Lady
9 tips on how to quit a job
Would you like to quit your job? Well get in line. Because you aren’t the first, and you certainly won’t be the last person to decide ‘enough is enough...
Business of Men
How to deal with bullying in business
The term bullying has become more widespread over the years and for good reason. But there seems to be a lack of understanding about the difference between a boss...
Career Woman
5 mindless habits ruining your chance of success
You know that awful dream where you’re sitting in class and suddenly realise you have an exam… but you forgot to study? That happens at work too. Could it...
Career Woman
Why distractions are a good thing
‘Distractions’ have such a negative stigma attached to them. But distractions are a good thing if managed correctly. We’ve been taught that they’re a detriment to our work and...
Boss Lady
Why the beauty industry remains a strong career for women
We hear increasingly more about raising the numbers of women in the so-called ‘traditionally male’ fields… science, technology, engineering. And then we also hear increasingly more about poor treatment...
Boss Lady
How to systemize your business – so you can breathe!
During my 10 years in business. there was a time when I always felt completely exhausted and was chained behind my desk. I had no life. My business was...
Boss Lady
You call that an elevator pitch?
You’re at a business social event, and someone comes up to you with that welcome request: “Tell me about your company.” Do you stammer: “Er… um… well, we get...
Boss Lady
Are you a blogger or a business person? Maybe not both
A few years ago, I started a blog on healthy eating. At the time, I thought if I produced good content consistently, people would magically find it. And that...