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Business of Men
Ambition and ego | an owner’s manual
Let’s start with a five-second Q&A. What is the difference between ‘ambition’ and ‘ego’? (Pause for effect) Well, according to the dictionary, ambition is defined as “a strong drive...
Boss Lady
Are you the target of career stalking?
What do Britney Spears and Catherine the Great have in common? Both have high public profiles, and both were targets of extreme career stalking. Career stalking is seldom discussed,...
Career Woman
Body image issues are undermining you. Ditch the self-nagging
Body image issues are the covert underminer for many women. No matter how successful we become, how smart and skilled we know we are ⎯ or even how presentable...
Five tips on how businesses can better manage maternity leave
Employees going on maternity (or paternity) leave is an organisational reality and business leaders shouldn’t stick their heads in the sand and think the process will manage itself –...
Boss Lady
3 tips to handle sexual harassment at work
Sexual harassment at work has been around for centuries, yet it is still something many are uncomfortable openly speaking about. But the discomfort of speaking about it is far...
23 things you don’t have to apologize for
As women, it seems we have a lot to apologise for. Striving, achieving, breathing, existing and basically just being women. But do women apologize too much? There are many...
Own your own bossiness
Society manages to push this notion into girls heads that being bossy is a bad thing. And in the environment of school, bossiness doesn’t always get you the most...
Boss Lady
Don’t get your breasts out | what’s your business identifier?
‘Don’t get your breasts out’ is a lesson they generally don’t teach you in business school. But perhaps they should, adding an explanation about your personal business identifier. Why?...
Career Woman
The dark side of success | The Business Woman TV
Success is a wonderful thing although not many will share with you the ‘dark side’ of success and how to cope with it. Our CEO Amanda Rose will share...
Business of Men
If the women aren’t supporting you, will the men?
It seems that often when women talk about the struggles they face in business, they are discussing issues they have had with men. But could it also be because...
Boss Lady
Does feminism still matter to us?
In a world where women can virtually do anything they set their minds to, it is hard to believe that we might still be being held back. In the...
Boss Lady
Climbing the corporate ladder
What does it take to be a leader? Skill? Talent? Or maybe just gender? What do you need to keep climbing the ladder if you’re a woman? A recent...