It could be brought on by a massive lifestyle change — such as a divorce or relationship break up — or it could be a build-up of work, or the strain of living a life you don’t particularly like anymore.
Also, it is around your 30’s that you have enough life/work/relationship experience to realize what you like and don’t like. And by this stage you have developed enough courage (finally) to take the step to realize your own potential.
Either way, something snaps and you want change— and BIG change. Right now.
Here are some key signs that you are about to or are suffering a thrisis:
- [tweet_quote hashtags=”#turning30″ ]You have found yourself single, again[/tweet_quote] (you either finally broke it off with a guy who was sucking the life out of you or you find yourself dumped) and realized that you have spent the last X amount of years losing yourself to try and keep someone else happy rather than focusing on your own happiness.
- You have the urge to party like it’s 1999. Suddenly, a pipeline of Long Island Iced Tea seems to become a necessary replacement for your bloodstream, and you want to remember what it feels like to come home at 5am.
- You quit your job out of nowhere … or you are about to. It seems your boss has become the enemy, your co-workers are draining and you can’t see a future in this newly-named ‘dead end job’.
- You decide to move house or country — because you’re convinced your surroundings are to blame for everything.
- You cull your social media accounts. Time to get rid of all your old friends, ex-boyfriends and generally anyone who just pisses you off.
- You want to buy everything in WHITE. Or a bold, bright colour you’ve rarely considered before. You need fresh. No more black. You crave new things and fresh WHITE new things. Or acid yellow new things, or lime green or electric blue. Your friends start to question it but you don’t care.
- You go on a diet and fitness craze. This is YOU time. You are sick of putting everyone and everything else first. You look at yourself in the mirror and say “nup, I should look so much hotter than this”. You sign up to a 30-day challenge and develop a cult-like obsession for it.
- You go on a massive shopping spree (which usually ends up with you going on that diet and fitness craze). Savings? Pffft….it is time to splurge on amazing shoes and great clothes.
- [tweet_quote hashtags=”#thrisis” ]You decide to buy sexy lingerie for no apparent reason.[/tweet_quote] Well, secretly you are hoping to use it sometime in the near future, but for now it makes you feel confident and more like the sexy woman you undoubtedly are.
- You start to write the book you have always wanted to write. Because you are convinced everyone wants to hear your story… even when they don’t.
If you tick one or more of the above, be happy. You are going through a thrisis. Now it is time to embrace this, while at the same time being smart about it.
If you don’t harness — and if needed, constrain — this intense need to completely flip your life upside down, you could end up lonely, broke and homeless. Suffering a thrisis can be a wonderful thing…
So if you feel yourself itching to change or you are freaking out that life isn’t what you wanted in your 30’s then consider this:
- Ask yourself WHAT do you actually want? Is it a seachange or new job?
- Discover your personal brand – follow these steps to find the new you.
- Develop a vision board and set new goals and targets.
- De-clutter. No-one can think straight with a cluttered mind, life or home
- Think twice before quitting your job. Do you have another job lined up that you really want? Or the money to sustain yourself for 12 months while you build a business?
- Write a five-year plan. This is private and no-one needs to know about it, but you DO. And be clear about it. Every decision you make will be decided by your ultimate goals in life.
- Schedule in some fun ‘me’ time. What do you love doing that you have lost sight of? Painting, swimming? Make sure you do this every day. Don’t lose yourself ever again.