All posts tagged "creative business woman"

  • closing the gender gap

    Seven ways to inject creativity into your small business

    We’ve all been there – sitting at a desk, staring at a screen and trying to come up with an original idea for that logo, presentation, blog article or website. It can be easy to...

  • employee disputes gender discrimination

    Using boredom to your advantage

    Have you ever struggled with boredom with your business?  If so, you are not alone.  Sometimes it is fleeting, however, when it lingers it is telling you something needs to change.  The good news you...

  • Safe work environment improve collaboration get on a board of directors enhance employee collaboration

    10 out-of-the-box activities to supercharge your team’s creativity

    Some business leaders seem to have a gift for continually generating creative ideas. Consider Sara Blakely, whose innovative, original Spanx product later spawned dozens of other products for her company (not to mention multiple copycat...

  • essential skills

    Refresh your Business – How creative are you?

    Success in a small business is directly related to an individual’s capacity for creativity. Creative individuals are idea generators while non-creative individuals tend to use the ideas of others. If you are creative, your inventiveness...

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