All posts tagged "customer feedback"
When and why to use consumer surveys
If you’ve thought about a consumer survey in the past, now may be the right time to create and distribute one. These surveys can offer valuable insight into the minds of your customer base, and...
Lost your ‘Why’? 5 steps to find it again
Do you ever have times when it all seems too hard and kind of pointless? We all go through periods in business where we’re lacking focus and less motivated than usual. Sometimes it’s easily explained...
7 tips for women starting an online business from scratch
If you’re passionate about something and now you finally have the time to pursue it, you will get a lot of questions and you will be very confused at the start. People with no experience...
One simple solution to deal with customer support
There are two opportunities you can use to create customer loyalty. The first is by giving them a good experience when they purchase. The second — and in many ways the even more important one...
Business facts: bad customer feedback is good for your business
When you’re in business, it becomes — in a way — your baby. You dedicate hours to your company, forgoing sleep and a social life in an effort to get your business off the ground....
How to gather data without inconveniencing your customer: 8 clever ways
This guide outlines how to gather data in ways that will not deter your clients. A common way of gathering useful data is to survey your current customers. Surveys offer a convenient way for people to...
Why sharing stories can build customer loyalty
Storytelling is emerging as a powerful and effective way to build customer loyalty.When we listen to stories different areas in our brain are stimulated and an emotional response is provoked. Good stories make us feel...
5 Online marketing mistakes you should be avoiding
Within its brief existence, the internet has evolved rapidly. Marketing companies have tried to keep up with the changing pace, trying out all forms of tactics. Some of these tactics have since been proven to...