All posts tagged "small business websites"
Minimalist web design optimizes user experience: how to use it
Minimalist design is an increasing trend these days, and we’re not just talking about architecture, furniture and objects. The concept of minimalist web design may sound boring to some, but it can actually be quite useful for improving...
5 Marketing tactics to drive website traffic
Most people will be aware that driving traffic to a website takes more than just putting a website online and telling a few people about it. With so many people heading straight online when they...
Should you build your own website or hire a professional service?
When it comes to starting your new business, there are a host of details that need to be ironed out, nailed down and zoned in on. But one of the biggest questions new business owners...
How WordPress can help your small business shine over the competition
In today’s environment, you’d be hard-pressed to find any business in any industry where competition isn’t fierce. It’s becoming increasingly important to find a way to stand out from your competition, especially online. As the...
Making money: ways to diversify your income
When you want to try and make more money, you can often look for one solution in particular, and that’s often to do with your job. But putting all of your eggs in one basket...