Boss Lady
Tips for doing business in another culture
Women doing business in another culture will find right from the start there are things that feel strange, aspects that push us out of our comfort zone … unwritten etiquette and behavior rules we don’t yet know about, and...
10 tips on how to give feedback to your boss
Feedback doesn’t have to be a one-way street, delivering from your boss to you. It’s something you can deliver back to your boss, in many forms. And when it’s done well it will be appreciated as being useful –...
Shrug off statistics that show women are not making it to the top
Women have long been under-represented when it comes to the top rungs of the ladder – the CEOs and senior executive levels. But with all the push and energy to get us there, it’s dispiriting to see data still...
5 life lessons from Hillary Clinton’s style
There are thousands of articles and countless books on ‘How to dress like Hillary Clinton’ that all distil down to one point: Hillary Rodham Clinton is the unequivocal President of Sass. Hillary Clinton’s style sends powerful messages, silencing the...
Are you the target of career stalking?
What do Britney Spears and Catherine the Great have in common? Both have high public profiles, and both were targets of extreme career stalking. Career stalking is seldom discussed, yet is not a new epidemic, considering Catherine the Great...
3 tips to handle sexual harassment at work
Sexual harassment at work has been around for centuries, yet it is still something many are uncomfortable openly speaking about. But the discomfort of speaking about it is far outweighed by the discomfort of having to suffer it. [tweet_quote...
Don’t get your breasts out | what’s your business identifier?
‘Don’t get your breasts out’ is a lesson they generally don’t teach you in business school. But perhaps they should, adding an explanation about your personal business identifier. Why? Recently, I phoned a friend who was en route to...
Does feminism still matter to us?
In a world where women can virtually do anything they set their minds to, it is hard to believe that we might still be being held back. In the US, according to an article posted on Voice of America, “Much...
Climbing the corporate ladder
What does it take to be a leader? Skill? Talent? Or maybe just gender? What do you need to keep climbing the ladder if you’re a woman? A recent study has been shown that women make better leaders than...