Boss Lady
Danger of being fired: Women more likely than men
Having job security is a reassuring feeling but there is always a danger of being fired specifically for women. It brings a steady income, can make you feel safe and that you are able to provide for yourself and...
Body language messages: is yours sending the right message?
As we all know, communication is more than just the words we say or write. Communication is also in the things we don’t say; it’s in the way we move, in our facial expressions and in our body language. That’s...
An interview is not a date
There are similarities between interviews and dates: you don’t know the other party well, and you want to make a good impression. But the common ground ends there. An interview however is not a date. While a date could...
Rags to riches | Women who succeed
Everybody has to start somewhere. For most they are what we call people who rose from rags to riches. Generally that start means working from the bottom up. Many inspiring women have realized the importance of a strong work...
Joan Rivers top quotes for business women
Joan Rivers was more than just a very funny comedian. Joan Rivers The outspoken — and always outrageous — she parlayed her comic celebrity into a strong brand that spanned a wide professional spectrum, including her stand-up performances, jewelry...
Start up business – What no-one dares tell you
Thinking of starting your own business? Are you truly prepared for the challenges ahead of you? And for what no-one dares tell you when you start a business. Chances are, even if you’ve asked around for advice, and now...
Enough with the advice for women
In this episode of The Business Woman TV, author, journalist and speaker Catherine Fox discusses why we need to stop giving women “advice” and instead examining workplaces, what we expect of mothers and how we model success. Enough with the...
Morning routines of successful women
Do you enjoy a workout, or a green tea while spending time with your family before heading off to work? If you do then you may be on your way to becoming a successful business woman. Morning routines of successful...
Fad diets and successful women
If only there was a diet where eating chocolate 24/7 was acceptable. Unfortunately there isn’t, but there’s no shortage of fad diets. Dieting has been a fascination for many women, with it having an extreme interest in the 1800s...