To start your own business, be prepared for these 4 things
If you’re an entrepreneur who is ready to start your own business, it’s important that you know where to begin and what to be prepared for. Whether you’ve had successful ventures before, or you’re about to dive into the...
Why working 9 to 5 office hours is archaic
Back in the 1800’s manufacturing and factory work was booming. Staff were working long, unhealthy hours, sometimes 16 office hours a day. In response to this, in 1817 a revolutionary man by the name of Robert Owen coined the...
Why going greener is good for your business
There are numerous benefits to establishing a greener business. Whether you have a business currently or going greener is something you’re thinking of starting, there are huge benefits of going green with it — boosting your ‘eco score’ —...
Guide for starting a business: 3 mistakes to avoid to make it easier
This short guide for starting a business focuses on the three top mistakes you should avoid to make the whole process easier. When you first venture out of the corporate world into your own business many people will tell...
Business model selection: how to choose the right one
All businesses waste money somewhere. It’s so common that it is essentially a fact of life. It doesn’t matter how efficient you try and make your company from day one. It is all but certain that somewhere in your...
Funding a business: what are the best strategies to find funding?
You are talented, creative, passionate. You know you have the next big idea. The One. The idea that is going to change a small, or a big, part of the world. There are days where you can think of...
4 key tips for how to get funding for small business
Do you have significant growth plans and want funding for small business to help achieve this growth? Obtaining the first round of funding for a private company can be time consuming and challenging. The past 18 months have been...
ERP vs MRP – what’s the difference?
If you’re a growing company, then it’s not only important to recognise what these business acronyms mean but also the difference between ERP vs MRP systems. Understanding how these resources work and influence your working practices can improve your business...
3 Cultural nuances to recognise when managing remotely
More often these days, we are being called on to lead, influence and navigate situations where there is more than one culture at play. Communication can be challenging at the best of times; when working remotely with diverse cultural...