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Gender Equity Awards recognize diversity and inclusion trailblazers


Recalibrate :The Gender Equity Awards 2024, now in its third year, is calling for nominations from small business operators, entrepreneurs, and initiatives dedicated to fostering gender equity and inclusivity in the workplace.

Embracing a commitment to excellence, this year’s awards have expanded to include new categories recognizing the efforts of First Nations businesses and intersectional initiatives, showcasing a dedication to acknowledging diverse approaches towards achieving gender parity.

The Gender Equity Awards 2024 serve as a platform to highlight exemplary practices in gender equity and diversity. By celebrating achievements, sharing best practices, and inspiring continual improvement, these awards aim to hasten progress towards a future where gender balance is the standard.

In a world where gender inequalities persist, it is imperative to honour those leading the charge towards equality. Through recognizing the endeavours of individuals, organizations, and initiatives, the Gender Equity Awards 2024 seek to motivate others to join the movement towards creating a fair and inclusive society.

Lisa Sweeney, CEO at Business in Heels, emphasizes, “Gender equity is not just an aspiration; it’s a fundamental requirement for a just society. Through Recalibrate, Gender Equity Awards, we aim to spotlight those making significant contributions in this area and inspire others to champion a more equitable future for all.”

Past recipients of the Gender Equity Awards have demonstrated groundbreaking initiatives in their commitment to gender equity. For instance, Ascott’s introduction of menstrual and menopause leave acknowledges the diverse needs of its employees, setting a precedent for inclusive workplace policies. Similarly, Coulter Legal’s practice of promoting individuals during parental leave demonstrates their commitment to supporting work-life balance and gender equality in career progression.

These initiatives not only set benchmarks for others but also contribute to nurturing an inclusive and supportive workplace culture. Anne O’Loughlin, Managing Principal at Coulter Legal, advises, “Be bold, innovative, and agile. Stay informed about industry challenges and communicate effectively. Together, we can create workplaces where everyone feels valued, supported, and empowered to manage both work and family responsibilities.”

Similarly we have seen amazing initiatives by individuals. Bianca Hartge-Hazelmann the founder of Financy. She produces a quarterly report that demonstrates how gender equity is evolving For instance, one study showed the gap in superannuation was closing, but the reason behind that was that a high number of men had retired and spent their super, not that women had accrued more. Another winner Katura Halleday the founder of 8×8 To Educate, a social enterprise that she set up at 15. This organisation works to educate some of the poorest women in the world. They have their first graduate, Celia, who has completed her nursing degree in Mozambique and who supports her local community with period product that they supply.

They say it takes a village to make a change and this is what the team behind the Awards hope to achieve. The Awards shine a spotlight on individuals at all levels demonstrating that everyone has a part to play.  Similarly on companies of all sizes they look for great initiatives that are easily replicable with a goal to speed up the implementation of great initiatives.

This year they have introduced two new categories to put aspotlight on the emerging work around intersectionality. This is where a women is doubly disadvantaged due to her ethnicity, sexuality or for a disability. Often coined at the “double glazed ceiling.” The other category is to recognise First Nation’s Businesses and to explore their engagement with the community often becoming a major source of local employment.

All individuals must be nominated by others so who do you know who should be recognised? It is an amazing feeling to be recognised. Nominations for the Gender Equity Awards 2024 are now open and will be accepted until 31st July. Small business operators, entrepreneurs, and initiatives across all sectors are encouraged to submit nominations and share their stories of progress towards gender equity.

For more information about the Gender Equity Awards 2024 and to submit nominations, please visit the website.

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