
Why it’s good that Melania Trump copied Michelle Obama. And you do the same.


Melania Trump is probably one of the most privileged women on this planet. And she could be one of the canniest as well.

But okay, her speechwriter (we all know people at that level don’t write their own words) should not have plagiarised Michelle Obama word-for-word.
But faced with possibly one do the biggest moments in her life, with all the world watching her, Melania Trump simply did what 99% of the business women I know do.She followed the example of a role model.
Yes, it hilariously ironic that this role model is on the opposite side of the political spectrum, and if she was going for the full belly laugh, she should have used Hillary Clinton instead … let’s face it, in the circus of politics and elections, that’s not impossible.
But when you get down to it, she simply followed the example of a successful, sophisticated and influential woman in Michelle Obama.
We should be congratulating the woman for doing what works instead of trying to re-invent the wheel. I mean, come on, like you haven’t copied another woman you admire?
Women are notorious for copying each other — just look at how fashion fads spread — yet the world (or one political camp) slams Melania Trump for it. Hell, just fire the speechwriter and get over it, folks

Get out there and find your own shining role models, and echo them.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So let those of us who have never imitated anybody — ever — throw the stones. There won’t be much of a rockpile.

About Amanda Rose

Founder of The Business Woman Media. Amanda Rose is also the only 'strategic connector', a brand strategist, keynote speaker and host of Amanda Rose TV. Connect with Amanda Rose on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or visit www.amandaroseofficial.com.

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