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5 Ways to improve your small business marketing


As a small business, knowing how to market and promote your brand successfully is crucial. With so many competitors on the market fighting for the same custom, doing all that you can to stand out from the crowd can be hard. When it comes to marketing strategies, having the right tools in place is important, so here are 5 tips to help improve your small business marketing.

Learn from competitors

If you’re looking to improve your marketing strategy, your first port of call should be to look at what your competitors are doing. Finding out what sorts of skills and tools they’re using to attract customers can help you transform your company for the better. For example, if you are the only business in your field who is using cold calling techniques without much luck, it may be time to try out new tactics. If some of your competitors are running advertisements on social media platforms, you may want to consider doing the same.

Get testimonials

Before a customer purchases a product, they tend to check out ratings and reviews beforehand. If you’re looking to boost your marketing and get more customers on board with your brand, asking your existing customers to leave reviews can be a great place to start. You can display your reviews in various places on your website and blog, so potential customers are easily able to pinpoint what types of products and services you have to offer. You may also want to create a dedicated testimonials page for your customers.

Use social media

Social media can be a powerful tool if used in the right way. Unlike in the past where you would have to go out in person to promote your brand, many businesses can benefit from hitting the internet and promoting their brand on platforms like Facebook. When you factor in billions upon billions of users log into Facebook each day, small businesses are able to reach out to their target demographic with ease. Setting up a business page on Facebook is straightforward and gives you the opportunity to directly communicate with your customers.


In many cases in the business world, it tends to be not what you know, but who you know. Whether you’re a startup business or a long-established company, attending networking events can be a great way to promote your brand to customers and clients. If you have your own stall at such as event, make sure to bring along business cards and anything else you deem relevant that will make your brand stick in consumers’ minds.

Get outside help

We could all do with a little bit of outside help from time to time, especially if you’ve noticed a decline in business sales. If you’re struggling and aren’t sure where to start, you may be interested in contacting a business coach like Jennifer Dawn who specializes in coaching. Jennifer Dawn has helped various clients boost their marketing strategies to help increase sales.

Doing research into your competitors to come with unique ways to stand out from the crowd, getting testimonials from your current client base, setting up a business page on social media platforms like Facebook, as well as getting coaching from experts who can transform your business are just a few ways things you can do to improve your small business marketing.

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