Career Woman

Getting a new job with NLP techniques: what to do at each stage


Getting a new job is said to be quite straightforward: you send the resume and cover letter, you wait to be called for an interview, and you get the job. Well, the reality is a little different in the ultra-competitive job market. You have to come up with a flawless resume and cover letter and find something to make you distinguish yourself from the other job seekers. You should ask yourself: How can I create my resume in such a way that will make me a good fit for the company?

Getting a new job by using NLP techniques

Thanks to some ingenious Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, the process of getting a new job can more easily become a success.

Basic resume

You cannot have a resume that you send to all job offerings. You have to make changes depending on what each job’s requirements are. You can get some writing help on the internet or from people who are well-versed into creating resumes. This also applies to your LinkedIn profile. If you see that your current resume and LinkedIn profile do not give you the expected results, don’t be afraid to make changes. One thing to remember in getting a new job is to turn off your activity broadcasts when you make changes to your profile. Too many changes do not look good to potential employers.

NLP in resume

You can also use an NLP language pattern in your resume when getting a new job. Add information about your experience and state the great results you have achieved in your previous work positions, but give no information about how you achieved them. In your cover letter, keep the focus on the benefits you can bring to the company and relate them to the achievements you have mentioned in your resume. Now the recruiter has evidence that you can deliver results and a direct benefit statement for hiring you, but no info about how you achieved your experience. To get that the information they will have to call you for an interview. This method is known as the anticipation loop and it’s an effective way of making you stand out.

Moreover, the additional trick in resume writing is an orientation on the reader. Yes, the first person, who decides your destiny is the HR manager and surprisingly they estimate resume in a very specific way: which information is widely described and which is explained in two words (sometimes it shows the real type of human’s character), perfect structure is good, but clichés are boring.

The job interview

You finally got the interview call you have been expected. Be prepared for the tough part of getting a new job. The interview assesses who you really are, not just the person you want to be on your resume. Before the interview check if you know everything about the company by checking their website and doing a Google research. After this, focus on the job you have applied for. Check the job description again and pay attention to the requirements that match how you described yourself in the resume. You should be prepared to emphasize these points and use them as your best cards to play. If you’re looking to get into a highly-competitive job market, like finding software engineer jobs in New York, learn to play your best skills to your advantage so your interviewer sees what you can offer to the company upfront.

Negotiating the job offer

Negotiating a job offer is not always an easy task and there are different situations that can put you in the middle of a negotiation when getting a new job or rising in an existing one. And, how to act in this case? Below are three of the most common situations in which you need to negotiate a job offer:

Situation 1: You are at an advanced stage of the selection process to work for a company that you admire and, suddenly, you are contacted by the Recruiter of another company that you admire even more and that is willing to make a very competitive offer.

Situation 2: You have been offered a job you will like, but the pay is below expectations. He asks the person in charge if there is any flexibility and receives a negative response and is asked whether he will only accept the proposal if the salary is increased.

Situation 3: You have worked in a company for some time and are contacted by the Recruiter of another organization offering a better salary, but you don’t want to leave your current job and would like to be valued, so you try for a salary increase and your boss doesn’t react well knowing that you are receiving other proposals.

Each of the illustrated situations can be very complicated and complex in terms of how you will negotiate these proposals.

  • Don’t underestimate the importance of friendliness : anything you do during the negotiation where you are less friendly will reduce your chances of getting a job offer.
  • Help them to understand why you deserve what you are asking for : for them to like you is not enough, they need to believe that it is worth having you as a professional.
  • Make it clear that you can be recruited : people don’t like to invest time in a professional who makes it to the end and says “No thanks”. Balance your arguments by stating why or under what conditions, for example, you would quit your current job and accept an offer.
  • Understand/Research the person who made the proposal : negotiating with a potential employer is very different from negotiating with the Human Resources representative.
  • Understand the limitations of the company : Know where the company is and is not flexible. For example: if they are hiring several people for the same function, they will hardly negotiate salaries.
  • Be prepared for tough questions : be prepared for questions like “Do you have any other offers?”, “If we make an offer tomorrow, will you say yes?”, “Are we your best choice?”. Respond honestly and without appearing like a disinterested candidate.
  • Focus on the interviewer’s intention, not the question itself : if, despite being prepared, an issue arises that catches you off guard, remember that often the question itself doesn’t matter, it’s the recruiter’s intention.
  • Consider the proposal as a whole : salary, company, activities you will perform, etc.
  • Negotiate multiple issues simultaneously and not in stages.
  • Don’t trade just for the sake of trading : spend time and energy only on the points that are worth it.
  • Think about the deadline of the offers : it should give a quick return. Know when to slow down or speed up the process with a potential employer to receive all close-dated proposals and be able to compare them.
  • Avoid, ignore or minimize ultimatums of any kind , after all, companies don’t like to be told something like “If you don’t do this then…”
  • Be patient : remember that you are not the center of attention and as much as the company is interested in hiring, you may not be the only candidate or the recruiter may have other priorities. Stay in touch, but be patient.
  • Leave matters on “stand by” : a rejection today can be good news tomorrow, after all, you don’t know the reasons that led the person to deny your request. Leave the subject to one side, but not forgotten, and pick up at a future date.
  • Keep a sense of perspective: your satisfaction will depend less on being successful in the negotiation and more on getting the job that’s right for you. So remember to take all points into account, not just the details of the offer.


Landing your dream job, or sometimes just getting a new job, can take months. This can be very discouraging and may make you lose hope in your abilities, knowledge, and experience. Use these techniques and make yourself look like a valuable asset for the employer.

About Samantha Anderson

Samantha Anderson is an educator and blogger.

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