All posts tagged "business start up"
Are you REALLY ready to take the plunge and start a business?
So you have a great idea for a business. If you are anything like me you want to spend your days fulfilled and doing something you really love. Right? Like me you might also be...
13 things keeping business owners awake at night
What keeps business owners awake at night? Negotiated contracts, not enough time spent with the family, reliable staff, and cash flow issues are among the reasons that make entrepreneurs toss and turn during their sleep. ...
What’s stopping you making big bucks?
When it comes to starting our own business, we aim to make sure it becomes hugely success. After all, we want to stand out from the crowd. Moreover, we want to ensure we make a...
How to make a home office the effective way to start your business
When you start a business, finding a place to run it from can be tough. Commercial space can be expensive to rent or to own. And when you first get started, you’re unlikely to need...
The complete guide to buying a business premises
While all the emphasis is on starting up an online business these days, it is easy to forget that many businesses start in bricks and mortar. This can be more satisfying than establishing an online...
Prepare to start your own business with 5 essential steps
Starting your own business is not something that you should rush into on a whim. If you take the time to prepare correctly you will save yourself a lot of time and money and avoid...
What are the best eCommerce platforms for your business
When it comes to starting up a new business, there are so many things seeking your attention. Especially, when it’s an online store, you have to deal with so many puzzles to power your eCommerce...
What’s in a name? Make sure your business gets it right
Coming up with the right name for your business can be an extremely challenging and time-consuming task. Many people spend hours agonising over what to call themselves that encapsulates everything that their company stands for....