All posts tagged "Featured"

  • What is freelancing

    You don’t have children, do you?

    This is a special article for all the single women without children. Have you ever been in the middle of a discussion at a meeting or an event when someone asks you what you do. So you...

  • when starting a brand

    4 tips to prevent a disaster on social media

    No matter whether you handle your social media yourself, and have somebody else engage with your audience on your behalf, you need to be careful about broadcasting the right profile perception and content. But that...

  • workplace communication strategies Advice for women Receiving feedback

    3 key tips to make feedback work for you

    One of the hardest lessons I’ve learnt on my personal and professional development journey is that feedback can only take you as far as you will let it. While it’s not always easy to hear...

  • entrepreneur success networking tool business idea women’s health tips leadership role

    No matter what — the show goes on

    Having dreams, goals and being an ambitious business woman is both exciting and also one of the hardest things you will ever encounter. And you’ll learn some of the hardest truths along the way. You...

  • employee disputes gender discrimination

    Are you derailing your own productivity?

    Everyone talks about productivity, but for women in the business world I am convinced there often never seems to be enough hours in the day to achieve it all. We are focused on getting ahead...

  • wosb woman owned small business certification

    Why we should pay attention to women in business

    Before there was Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer or Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg, there was Katherine Graham. In 1963, Graham took the helm of The Post Co. and became publisher of the Washington Post. For the next thirty...

  • Reach down and lift someone up

    I am the first to warn that in the business world if you trust no-one, you are off to a good start. But this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be trusted. Business is often a cruel...

  • beware the dark side of business

    19 bad signals you might be sending at work

    Whether we know it or not, we all have bad habits and they all come across in different ways – sending bad signals out into the business world. And those bad signals can affect the...

  • leadership characteristics What is self respect

    Rich women are domestic violence victims too

    Miranda Devine has ventured into the murky and complicated world of domestic violence,  asking much-needed and pertinent questions about the new Australian Governments Domestic Violence (DV) National Action Plan — questions that someone needed to...

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