All posts tagged "workplace tips"

  • happy employees resolving conflict

    How to (successfully) face conflict in the workplace

    Conflict is a dreaded word in many social and organizational settings. At the core, every human being wants to be liked and accepted by his/her counterpart, and the appearance of conflict appears to threaten that...

  • You’ve got this: Dealing with a ‘Game of Thrones’ workplace

    Dr Froswa’ Booker-Drew answers your questions, putting her years of experience and practice into the goal of solving those knotty problems that beset us, and assuring us: ‘you’ve got this’. If you’d like Froswa’ to...

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    5 Tips to be more confident in the workplace

    There is an old saying when working for a company, that ‘the boss is always right’. But, what if this was wrong? What if you can have full confidence in you and your abilities in...

  • Career mistakes work related stress

    Why it’s okay to cry in the workplace

    If you subscribe to any kind of pseudo-science around personality types, you may have come across the Myer’s Briggs Personality Types.  Often called the astrology of the corporate world, Myer’s Briggs describes in 4 neat little...

  • Drama young business woman

    Stop burnout before it starts! How to stay positive in the workplace

    “Burnout” – a word that inspires fear in every high achiever. But what does it actually mean to burn out? And, more importantly, what can we do to prevent it? So, what is burnout? Burnout...

  • self worth quotes

    The real cost of workplace bullying

    Workplace bullying is a problem that’s often overlooked, but if it’s dismissed or not treated early enough, it can become extremely costly to a business. Where there is a mix of personalities there is bound...

  • Can you break through a glass ceiling?

    Good gracious yes, we all know that we’re nearly 20 years into the new millennium and it’s outrageous that glass ceilings are still an issue, but it’s a fact of life. There are certainly women...

  • updating your office redesign office space

    How to create an efficient workplace environment

    When it comes to creating the business you always hoped you have, you may find yourself focusing on everything from the marketing strategy to the financial reporting. Because, of course, these are all some of...

  • It’s office-cial: your workspace is a marketing technique

    In the world of business it is easy to dedicate a lot of time and money to certain marketing campaigns. Whether it be an extensive physical campaign where posters and billboards with your business’s logo...

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