Boss Lady

4 Reasons people unfollow your brand on instagram


When you advertise your brand online, especially on Instagram, it’s important to know what works and what doesn’t! Therefore, even though you are new to Instagram and unable to achieve desired success, you need to refine your existing approach then according to the results you obtained by putting all the efforts, change yourself according to “how users want to see”?

But why should you bother? It’s a good question, and the answer is, people will follow you, so buckle up.


This is ancient, and the most common mistake every brand makes. Regardless of the platform, or their niche, these brands refuse to listen. The equation is straightforward, people love to buy, but they hate it when you push a product their way. So stop it before it kills your business.

People follow you because they understand what you offer, but they want you to push a product up their face always. Don’t do entire marketing all about your product or service. Tweak your effort towards your followers more instead of the brand.

Instagram is a great platform to share your brand’s story with the people following you. Give a sneak peek how this specific product or service will make their life easy and how the brand has emerged as one of the most eminent brands.

No Personality

You won’t sell anything successfully unless you have the top-notch social media marketing services from Social Noor which optimizes as well as surmount your brand and at the same time your voice on Instagram is heard by immense people. Nothing will cost you more on social media than the lack of a personality. People will unfollow you if they don’t find a voice behind the brand or something that urges them to follow you; they want to talk to someone who is a person, not a computer. So giving a slight glance of personality in every post like what your brand is all about can help you reach the top and garner more demographics that automatically connect with you.

Start with picking a theme that suits your niche, and implement it within your posts as well as text. Do some research beforehand and learn what your targeted audience wants from you to direct your efforts to a fruitful direction.

Forced Humor

Not everyone is blessed with a sense of humor. So if you don’t have one, don’t pretend that you do. Also, you should know that Humor can be misinterpreted on the internet. Surely using humor in your posts is a light-hearted way to engage people with your brand, but using it frequently shows you are trying too hard, and it doesn’t leave a good impression.

Believe it or not, people do get turned off by this. So if you see lack of engagement with bad or forced humor, you need to change your approach before losing your followers. Do try and buy Instagram video views to see if it helps with your lousy sense of humor. Just scrap it already.

No, Follow through Comments

If you have active followers thanks to a refined approach on Instagram, but if you still lack any excellent interaction, it may be that people respond to your posts with question or reviews, and you don’t respond back.

This gives off the impression that you don’t care about your audience. Your followers will love to interact with your brand when their voice is heard, so make sure you show them you care by responding back to every comment they post. Stay active and reply promptly or else they will unfollow your brand on Instagram.

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