It’s safe to say that we’re living in the most switched on, interconnected and demanding era of all time. Technology has widened the scope of our working hours, to the point where it’s hard to tell the difference between work and home life. Emails roll in as you prepare dinner and your “To-Do” list is already ten points deep before you’ve had breakfast!
It can be stressful and overwhelming, forcing us to feel an obligation to always be ‘at work.’ But it doesn’t have to be that way, which is why it is so important to work smarter, not harder. Prioritising productivity can completely shift your work patterns, making your ‘office’ time more valuable while also maintaining a work-life balance.
Here are my top 5 tips on how to be more productive so that you can make the most of your time.
Take social media out
Guilty of checking your phone every time a notification pings? Constant interruption can seriously affect productivity, as it takes time to restore your initial focus and get back into the task you were concentrating on. To counteract this, set social media rules that allow you to focus on work, without interruption. Start by switching off notifications, eliminating the temptation to check the latest update. If all else fails, place your phone in your drawer or bag so you can’t see it. You’ll be surprised by how much more focused you’ll be and how much time you’ve saved. After all, your Facebook and WhatsApp messages will still be there after 5pm.
Make priority lists, not to do lists
There’s nothing more intimidating than a long list of tasks that require your attention. But not all tasks on that list are created equal, so it’s time to start prioritising. The problem with a general “to-do” list is that there’s a temptation to tick off the easier errands first. Instead, make a “priority” list, beginning with the most pressing tasks and working your way down. As you tick off the urgent tasks you’ll also find that it has a positive effect on your work patterns, removing a sense of panic from your day-to-day operations.
Minimise multi tasking, embrace monotasking
It’s a common misconception that multi-tasking is the short cut to getting as much done as quickly as possible. However, more often than not, it has the opposite effect. Spreading yourself too thin can have repercussions which actually cost you time in the long run. Juggling multiple tasks simultaneously means you’re not giving your full attention to each task, thus essentially increasing the risk of error. Chances are you’re also feeling more stressed when you’re splitting your brain’s attention. Rather, identify your top 3 priorities for the day and tackle each task wholeheartedly, giving it your all.
Learn to email efficiently
The constant buzz of a new email can leave even the most organised worker feeling a bit boxed in by their inbox. To make matters worse, emails are both distracting and crucial. You can spend an hour trawling through useless chain emails, only to miss some important correspondence from a client. Trim down your mail time by using these top tips. Firstly, draft up some template responses to common emails, this saves you time by avoiding retyping the same response over and over. If your flow of emails is nonstop, set up an automated response to manage expectations on the receiver’s end. Finally, it’s also worth investigating email filtering software which sifts through emails, separating out spam.
Outsource to create time
A little help can go a long way and it’s no surprise that outsourcing is increasingly becoming popular in the business community. Depending on the size of your operation, outsourcing online via community marketplaces is the perfect way to pass on menial, more time consuming tasks. If you’ve got a backlog of admin hanging over you or hours of data entry requiring urgent attention, jump online and find the right person for the job. You’ve then freed up a block of time for you to use exactly how you please. A similar approach can be adopted in your personal life. If you haven’t had proper downtime in a while, outsource some of your household chores to free up time for R&R.