Business of Men

Say goodbye to the “good ol’ boys network” of silicon valley


In one of the most male dominated networks of technology, discover how women are shattering the glass ceiling effect and saving the future.

Let’s hear it for the girls.

In an industry dominated by men, women are starting to take charge and break through the glass ceiling to grab those leadership roles. Women comprise only 14 percent of executive roles in the tech industry; however, they account for 27 percent of entry-level roles.

Why do there appear to be so few women in the industry?

It may be rooted in childhood, and a lack of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) learning environments targeted at females.

The numbers of women execs in tech may be small, but there are some women who are making big changes in the industry, paving the way for a new era of women leaders.

Here are a few of them.

Bozoma Saint John

Bozoma Saint John is unlike any other Silicon valley native you’ve ever seen. As an African American female who took Silicon Valley by storm while unapologetically being herself (complete with glitter, bold color, and sky-high heels) Saint John has changed the narrative of the typical tech executive.

She’s spoken openly about the need to change the environment in Silicon Valley, and do something about the lack of diversity within its ranks.

She’s now Chief Marketing Officer at Endeavor, but before then stepped into Uber as Chief Brand Officer in the midst of a brand crisis.

Gaby Roman

Gaby Roman, the founder of Coaching No-Code Apps, began her career as a video editor. What started as an idea for a new app, ended up with her developing it herself and learning new skills that she enjoyed…and found she was good at.

She now teaches those with no background in technology how to build their own apps. Or maybe you’re more interested in building a software tool like ThePayStubs generator.

Regardless of what your interests are, she’s teaching a love for technology that her students may not have otherwise been given the opportunity to learn.

Susan Wojcicki

YouTube’s CEO, Susan Wojcicki, started her career as Google’s first marketing manager. She later moved up as Google’s senior vice president of Advertising and Commerce. It was in that position that she proposed purchasing a startup called YouTube.

After YouTube, she handled several additional billion-dollar acquisitions for the company.

Even though she’s worked in the industry for more than 2 decades, she still has to work harder to get the respect she’s earned. To mitigate this, she calls out anyone who attempts to speak over her in a meeting or she makes her opinion known boldly.

Shattering the Glass Ceiling in Tech

Many young women didn’t have female role models in the STEM fields to look up to. The women in this post are changing that, lending a new face to the technology field and promoting diversity among the executive-level positions.

Perhaps the future will bring a new Silicon Valley, one with diverse faces of all backgrounds and genders, lending a pop of color (and high heels) to the sea of black hoodies and jeans.

Inspired yet? Learn about how other women are breaking through the glass ceiling by checking out the rest of our site.

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