How to be heard in business: strategies to get your voice out there
This short guide outlines how to be heard in business when you are a woman, with strategies to speak out successfully. The business world is changing for the better. It’s no longer the dyed-in-the-wool boys’ club it used to...
Negotiating skills: 5 tactics to supercharge them
This guide outlines five strategies you can use to improve your negotiating skills and see negotiations through to a great result. People often think of negotiating as something they rarely do. In reality, you negotiate many times a day. ...
Unmotivated? 10 Ways to inspire yourself
This guide outlines 10 clever strategies to inspire and stay true to yourself during times when you are unmotivated. The dreaded slump. We all have them. Yet somehow, the fact that a lack of motivation is something everyone must...
Fatigue symptoms can undermine you: How to overcome them
This guide outlines why you might be experiencing fatigue symptoms, and what to do about it to take care of yourself. In the case of an emergency, an oxygen mask will drop from a compartment above your head. Fit...
Four technology hacks to free yourself from digital addiction
The average person checks their email or instant messenger every six minutes. We spend an average of four hours per day on our mobile phones, with half of that time dedicated to the top five social media platforms. That...
How to be an independent woman: 5 steps to starting a business
Financial independence can be a key factor in how to be an independent woman, so you may be considering starting your own business — either for your main income or as a side hustle. You have clarified your business...
Dealing with the coronavirus work isolation
It’s a Friday evening and in my area, there are multiple cases of Coronavirus. It’s been declared a local and statewide emergency. If anyone sneezes, coughs or even clears their throat, there is immediate trepidation and fear. Grocery stores...
Top 10 tips for creating confidence to conquer life.
Confidence! It’s something that everyone wants and tends to elude us from time to time. Being born with a physical birth defect confidence has been something that has been quite a challenge for me in my life. However, confidence...
Confidence is the new sexy
Confidence isn’t universal. According to scientific research, women are typically less confident than men. Do you resonate with this research? You might know the work you’re doing is valuable. You believe in what your company can offer the world....