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  • collaboration at work


    How to create trust in your team

    What can you do to create trust in your team and give them the environment they need that promotes trust across the board? Ideally, people would speak up, give...

  • Boss Lady

    How introverts can use social media for success

    The people who are quietest often have the loudest minds, so being timid need’nt be a disadvantage. It is thought that those who have the gift of the gab...

  • Career Woman

    Foundation keeps a sister’s memory alive

    After losing a loved one it, we all have different ways of keeping their memory alive. For 22-year-old Kate Fitzsimons, losing her older sister Nicole spurred her to establish...

  • Efficient business successful women run a company client calls

    Boss Lady

    11 habits that breed success

    Success doesn’t come easy, no matter what your career path is. It does, however, come after a lot of hard work and dedication. Additionally, finding the success you want...

  • employee disputes gender discrimination

    Boss Lady

    11 ways to perfectly answer ‘what do you do?’

    For many of us, being asked ‘What do you do?’ is one of the most dreaded questions as we know that how we answer will directly impact  perceptions of...

  • creating a personal brand visible press release distribution service customer complaints outsourcing business processes - What is social media in marketing

    Boss Lady

    5 reasons challenges are your best teachers

    How do you face those challenging seasons in your life, the ones where a hurdle seems to be around every corner? Yes, you can give in, crumble and curl...

  • project management How to be heard marketing funnel business presentation


    Color: secret power tool of killer presentations

    You’ve spent hours and hours preparing your speech or presentation. You’ve carefully organized it, the words are all perfect, and you’ve practiced it over and over. You have the...

  • How to stop dumbing yourself down

    Business of Men

    Does the glass ceiling really exist?

    We hear a lot about the glass ceiling, and how it prevents women from achieving at the highest levels. But is there really a glass ceiling or are we...

  • buying barcodes digital marketing consultant business questions ask questions at work vehicle fleet insurance What is an Operating Agreement for an LLC

    Career Woman

    Questions you should be asking yourself daily

    Asking questions often leads to more questions than it does answers. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ask them. By asking yourself questions, you can find out something new...

  • hair stylist training

    Boss Lady

    4 tips for job interview hair

    Job hunting is, simply put, stressful. After seemingly endless numbers of resumes and cover letters sent, you finally get the call for an interview for a job you’ve been...

  • Confidence

    11 things successful people say

    A large part of being successful is having the confidence in yourself as well as the determination that you can achieve anything you put your mind to.  That’s why...

  • feminism: confident female


    Queen bee syndrome

    When I was in my twenties, there was a rapper by the name of Lil’ Kim who was dedicated to promoting her image as a hardcore woman in rap...

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