All posts tagged "de-stress at work"

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    8 Ways to fit 5-Minute time-outs in your work day

    Over the last few decades especially, technology has drastically changed every area of our lives, from our personal lives to our professional lives. It’s changed how we work and even what types of jobs are...

  • How to stop dumbing yourself down

    Banish negative thoughts at work with the power of emotional agility

    The school playground was treacherous emotional turf. The place that should have been the safest, most fun, rewarding part of your schooldays was also where your individuality was put to the test. Equal parts sports...

  • Shyness

    How to encourage a stress-free work environment

    As a woman-business owner, you’re accountable for a variety of responsibilities. From handling your business’s finances to overseeing customer service efforts, you’re likely always on the move. One area that requires significant attention is managing...

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    5 Ways feeling good makes you more productive

    There is a lot of advice out there on how to give it your all at work. The options are endless as to how to organize yourself and your time, how to delegate, how to...

  • CBI programs travel tips

    7 Scientifically backed ways to de-stress your work day

    We experience stress anywhere,commuting, shopping, dating, and we recognize that we are stressed and oftentimes try to do something about it; take the train to work, shop when it’s quieter, make that first date at...

  • further your career work with stress what to wear for a Zoom interview

    How to beat fatigue that undermines you

    Fatigue can have a wide range of causes, but work is often high on the list. Whether it’s caused by self-imposed pressure or overly demanding colleagues, fatigue can threaten to derail even the most promising...

  • feminism: confident female

    10 ways to beat your fears

    Letting your fears get in the way of your goals happens to the best of us. It’s a common mistake many businesswomen make — especially in male-dominated fields that leave no room for error for...

  • service stress sitting is the new smoking struggling at work disaster recovery stress in the workplace

    Avoiding burnout is simple, so why do we let it happen?

    There was a time in our lives where we all believed we were invincible. That time was usually our teens. It was a time of carefree living, and by that we mean dangerous levels of...

  • How to stop dumbing yourself down

    ‘Busy’ is not a badge of honour – stop the stress

    How often do you catch up with a friend, a work colleague, a parent at your children’s school or someone in your family and when you ask them how they are, their response is “I’m...

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