In today’s modern marketing world, consumer behavior has changed. We have long passed the point where the main driver for people to buy your products is the price.
These days, people would think more about their experience before buying products or availing a service. A survey revealed that 86% of consumers are willing to pay more for a better experience. This is an indication that experience is more important for consumers.
So how do you create a better experience for your consumers? Start by giving them a personalized and enhance one-on-one interaction.
Automation coming in handy
Automation is a platform which gives you the time and resource to provide your audience with a personalized experience. Through the use of technology like artificial intelligence, data collection has been made easy. These data are then used to potentially create marketing strategies that could enhance the experience and boost your business sales.
We’re taking a look at some ways you can incorporate automation into your marketing and improve your customer experience.
Systematize lead nurturing
A survey by MarketingSherpa reported 79% of marketing leads not converted to sales because of the lack of lead nurturing efforts. With automation, you can worry less about your leads being a part of this number.
Automation allows you to systematize engagement and gather accurate data based on customer’s interaction with your website or your content. With that, you can then interpret this data and understand where customers are coming from and in what stage of the lead process they are now.
Personalize your communication
With so much happening in your business, you cannot simply sit down and spend a majority of your time answering questions from customers. Without automation, personalizing communication with customers is challenging.
However, personalized communication is one of the keys to grow your customer-based. This is why it is a good opportunity for you to automate your means of communication.
In social media, for example, you can use chatbots to automate your answers to customers. Artificial intelligence, as mentioned earlier, can gather customer’s data. These are then analyzed and interpreted by chatbots so they can provide your consumers with the right answer to their questions.
Likewise, when people subscribe to your email group mailing lists, they are wanted to communicate with you. However, with so many people subscribing to your mailing list, how do you respond to their needs on a more personal level? Automation will help you respond to their needs individually.
When people interact with your content, their responses are tracked and segmented according to their niche, pain points, etc. Then with an automated process, your emails are customized and sent to a designated group of audience. Thus, you are delivering the right content to the right person.
Create dynamic content
Without an automated process, you are probably are delivering one single content to everyone on your mailing list and cross-fingers; you hope your content can attract your audience. This is not the case for automation.
With automation, you don’t have to rely on luck with your content. You can deliver dynamic content that is suited to your target audience. For example, customer A and customer B are both subscribers to your website. Your system will know that customer A is a first-time web visitor and customer B is a returning visitor. So, for customer A, it will send contents that will enhance customer acquisition and for customer B, your automation tool can send contents that encourage customer retention.
Personalize marketing for better web experience
Automation has changed the marketing landscape. Data gathering, content delivery and automated marketing process have never been more important. Automation is now the backbone of effective personalization marketing. And personalization can provide the audience with seamless customer experience.
In the busy world, customers look for a business which can provide them with convenient amidst their “on the go” lifestyle. Since most customers use various channels like mobile, desktop and tablets, automation allows you create a unified set of procedures which can gather data, analyze them and deliver them across different channels.
This means that your business, regardless of what device or technology a customer use, can engage with them throughout the whole sales process, thus providing them with a seamless experience.
With personalize d marketing, you can go the extra mile to provide them support and assistance. This is what your customers need. They need a genuine experience which you can give them through a personalized approach. And this is reinforced by an effective automation system.
Through a reliable automation system, you make a personalized campaign that makes your target consumers feel that you genuinely value them which is paramount to your business success.