
  • math education computer crimes what to do if you’ve been scammed What is a singularity Data science Business security systems

    What is a singularity in HPC business operations?

    This explainer guide outlines what is a singularity in high performance computing and how to incorporate it in your environment. What is a singularity in HPC? A singularity in High-Performance Computing (HPC) is a situation where algorithms and technologies...

  • human capital management

    Human Capital Management explained: what it is and does

    This guide outlines what human capital management is, what its goals are, and what it can do for your business. Human capital management focuses on the effective and efficient use of an organization’s human resources. Practical human capital management...

  • business deal negotiate for salary increases

    From contact to contract: how to close a business deal faster

    This guide outlines the steps to fastracking the process to make a business deal, with strategies to move to a contract swiftly. Deals: your business might be eager to make them, but there can be too many barriers that...

  • non-compete clauses insurance business financial profit loss

    How do non-compete clauses work for independent contractors?

    This guide outlines what non-compete clauses are, and how to use them to protect your business when employing contractors. When an independent contractor or an employee leaves a company, and subsequently poaches clients and/or takes advantage of confidential business...

  • how to look good on Zoom

    How to look good on Zoom meetings: 7 golden rules

    This guide outlines the 7 key tactics for how to look good on Zoom meetings, no matter what! Following COVID-19, video conferencing has greatly facilitated the move from workplace to remote work for many companies. Zoom is a great...

  • Holding company

    Holding company explainer: what you need to know

    This guide explains what a holding company is, and what it can do for your business. If you’re looking for a way to protect your business and its assets, you may consider setting up a holding company. A holding...

  • networking event stand out marketing strategy examples inbound marketing customer satisfaction

    Inbound Marketing explainer: how it works, and how to do it effectively

    Defining Inbound Marketing is not such a simple task. According to HubSpot (basically the “creator” of the Inbound concept): “Inbound Marketing can be considered any marketing tactic that is based on gaining people’s interest rather than buying it.” But...

  • non-fungible tokens Cost Segregation resource management

    Non-fungible tokens explained: commercial and legal issues to consider

    There are a number of commercial as well as legal issues that companies must take into account when it comes to non-fungible tokens. This guide outlines the issues and what you should be aware of. Non-fungible tokens and legal...

  • web analytics data fabric solutions

    Web analytics help make better business decisions: how to use them

    This guide outlines how you can use web analytics to improve your client base and business. It is very likely that if you have come to this article, you have heard about web analytics and probably had some questions...

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