All posts tagged "boost energy"
The power of power naps for busy women
There has been a stigma around naps in our culture. Napping seemed to be reserved for very young, very old, or unwell people in our society. However, these are not the only people who can...
Busy woman’s hacks: Eat to boost productivity
We all know very well that eating healthy is extremely important for our health, our body and our general well-being. But it is really hard to alter our eating habits especially when our busy lifestyles...
Does your business need a boost?!
No matter what aspect of business you are in, there will always come a time when you are ready to take your business to the next level. However, the biggest question is, “How?” Your search...
5 Ways feeling good makes you more productive
There is a lot of advice out there on how to give it your all at work. The options are endless as to how to organize yourself and your time, how to delegate, how to...
How to beat fatigue that undermines you
Fatigue can have a wide range of causes, but work is often high on the list. Whether it’s caused by self-imposed pressure or overly demanding colleagues, fatigue can threaten to derail even the most promising...
Why naps and exercise are your secret weapons
Women are renowned for pushing themselves to the limit in order to be everything and do everything in order to reach their goal. Right. To. The. Limit. That means we often drain our energy reserves,...