All posts tagged "career goals"
5 Ways to kickstart self-confidence to reach career goals
Just a few decades back, being a woman in the “all men’s” business world was hard. You really had to fight for yourself and even if you fought the hardest, no one actually wanted to...
8 Exciting careers for women in the accounting field
The state pension age for women in the UK is 63 years, which is also roughly the same age when women retire. For someone that started working in their mid-20’s for example, those are almost...
4 Practical tips for securing your dream job
Once you secure a job, you’ll be spending a whole lot of time at it. Don’t settle for a job you hate. Considering that a job will consume such a significant portion of your life,...
How to formulate goals in the right way
Goals motivates you to succeed in life. You should plan your short-time and long-term goals clearly and in a smart way. These easy steps will help you to generate valuable and achievable goals. Let’s face...
A new way to do New Year’s resolutions
By the time February rolls around, almost 90% of people who set a New Year’s resolution have already abandoned their plans to lose weight, save money, be fitter, be nicer, do yoga every day …...
6 ways to succeed in your career
So, you’re having a tough year at work! Do some days seem to drag on endlessly? Are there times when you wish you were anywhere other than at work? Do you fear losing your sanity...
Why it’s important you step up in your career
Every woman, from those starting out in their first ‘real’ jobs to experienced leaders in the senior ranks of organisations, have moments – days, months, years even – when they question their ability to face...
Overcoming career challenges through support and determination
Working in a job which you like is a very important part of life. Before you even start to consider the money you make or the schedule you have to follow, it’s critical that the...
How to keep your career going while coping with major illness
Each year almost 140,000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed in Australia, and there is a plethora of other major illnesses that can strike at any time. These crises tend not to enter your life...