All posts tagged "entrepreneur"
3 challenges you need to overcome when your business grows rapidly
While rapid business growth is a problem many entrepreneurs would love to have, the reality is being ‘hyper-gazelle’ in growth terms comes with specific dangers and risks that can be just as problematic to a...
6 Recruitment tips every entrepreneur should know
The life of an entrepreneur is a very involving. The main reason is because you have to oversee a business’s daily activities meaning you do not have free time of their own. Doing this kind...
Why age is just a number when it comes to entrepreneurship
When you hear the word “entrepreneur,” who comes to mind? If you are like most people, you probably think of someone young, perhaps in their 20’s, and, in many cases, male. The reality is though...
The entrepreneur’s guidebook: Hiring a lawyer for your business
A business needs an accountant as much as it needs a lawyer. As laymen, we are not as knowledgeable and as informed of our legal rights and duties as compared to those who studied for...
How to find the best mentor: infographic
Why would someone want to be an entrepreneur? It could be for any number of reasons. Many just want to be the CEO and/or founder of a successful business. Being your own boss means you...
3 Discoveries for success every female tech entrepreneur should know
Entrepreneurs face an uphill battle every single day. They’re challenged with developing a quality product, identifying the right partners and building a business from the ground up, all while attempting to secure funding and convince...
3 Tips to be a successful entrepreneur while raising a family
Trying to attend to all the duties and responsibilities of raising a family, while at the same time seeking to find prominence, advancement, and success in business, is by no means an easy task. For...
How to get money fast: It’s everywhere… here’s how to get it
This concise guide outlines that access to more money is all around you, and gives 4 key tips for how to get money fast in your everyday life. Do you ever wake up dissatisfied with...
Top 5 tips for success as an Olderpreneur
The phrase ‘olderpreneur’ could apply to me because as an over fifties baby boomer, I am finally now my own boss. Age discrimination does not exist when you are your own boss. See below for...