Are you a company longing for increasing your incoming call volume and wondering why prospects and customers aren’t calling you? You may need to reevaluate your marketing strategies and implement new techniques to get more client calls. Here are a few ways you can use digital marketing and advertising to your benefit.
Get more client calls with these tactics
Driving customers to call your business can be tricky. First, they need to come across your company. Then, they need to be moved and motivated enough to call you. And so, brand visibility and awareness are key aspects to generating client calls; let’s examine how this works.
1. Market an effective business number
A business phone number is a crucial element required for smooth communications between companies and their customers. You want a number and phone line that can adjust to your needs to ensure a good caller experience. For these reasons, virtual phone numbers have become popular. Virtual numbers route calls over the internet and are flexible and customizable methods to communicate. This makes them perfect for client calls. For instance, you can personalize your number by inserting patterns or letters and creating a vanity number like 1-866-FLOWERS or 833-454-4544. This makes your number stand out and easy to remember. You can easily get this with a virtual phone service provider offering the service, like Global Call Forwarding.
For business calls, you also want a number and phone line that has additional features that enhance incoming caller experience. For instance, with call forwarding, you can direct calls to different departments, offices, or individuals to ensure client calls are not missed. This is helpful when you have offices or clients in different time zones. A missed call is a lost lead, and you should take measures to avoid that.
Another effective way to use your business number is to advertise it across all platforms: website, emails, social networks, billboards, flyers, etc. For customers to know you exist and to call you, they need to know how. And this method ensures your brand and its contact information is visible and accessible.
2. Track incoming client calls
Companies are adopting call tracking strategies to determine where their customers are coming from and how certain marketing strategies are doing. There are a few different ways to track incoming calls. You can record manually by asking customers how they found your business. Or, you can invest in call tracking software that automatically identifies where calls come from. Or, you can have different virtual numbers advertised on different platforms and watch which numbers bring in the most client calls.
With call tracking, you will know where or how customers are interacting with your brand and product. For example, are customers finding your website on search results or through your Facebook page? And based on that information, you can increase marketing efforts in that area or in other areas that are not working as well. That is, you can increase search engine optimization (SEO) tactics to improve your website’s visibility and to rank higher in results. Or, you can better develop your Facebook page. Either way, you have more information now than before about your customers’ preferences and habits, and you can use that to your advantage.
3. Consider click-to-call (CTC) campaigns
CTC campaigns are ad campaigns that display a ‘Call’ button which lets customers call you instantly. With a CTC ad, customers don’t have to search for your business, then locate the contact number, then type it on their phone, and dial. It presents two fewer steps to call your business and speak with a representative. With call tracking, identify which channel is most successful. Then, utilize compelling CTC campaigns with good ad copy to convert those ads to client calls and those calls to sales.
You can create and execute CTC campaigns across different channels. You can have pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns that place your website and contact information as a sponsored ad above search results. These ads will also have a ‘Call’ button that lets mobile users call your business directly from the ad on the results page. Additionally, you can have CTC ads on social networks like Facebook, Instagram, etc. providing callers in these areas an easier way to reach you.
Increase client calls today
Customers appreciate an easy and convenient way to get in touch with a company to resolve an issue or concern. The less obstacles in their way, the better the chances that they will make a purchase or appointment. And so, these strategies can help generate more incoming client calls and, in turn, drive up sales.