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  • time management

    Career Woman

    Let’s be honest – there’s no such thing as work-life balance

    We hear so much these days about ‘work-life balance – about the utopian notion that somehow we can magically equally balance all the conflicting demands from business and home...

  • Career Woman

    Tips from American Horror Story women

    Hit TV show American Horror Story might be based in supernatural fiction, but there are some real-world lessons we can learn from its female characters. Strong and fearless in...

  • career sponsors product manufacture


    Top 6 mistakes leaders make with meetings

    You would think that by the time people are in a leadership position, they would all know how to run a meeting. But you’d be wrong. All too often,...

  • how to start an online business

    Boss Lady

    Use content marketing to position yourself as an expert

    By now you are probably using content marketing to generate leads for your business. Content marketing will also help build loyal customers, who are kept engaged between purchasing decisions....

  • Boss Lady

    The 5 meeting villains and how to deal with them

    Meetings at their best are productive and inspiring collaborations that drive projects and the business forward. At their worst, they’re a nightmare. Wasted time, grandstanding, agenda hijacking, meeting addiction...

  • entrepreneur success networking tool business idea women’s health tips leadership role

    Career Woman

    One is the loneliest number, but 1000 will be strong

    Sometimes, life has a funny way of working out. I’m sure that when you look back at your life and career, you’ll be able to pinpoint instances in which...

  • networking tips and tricks event planning checklist

    Boss Lady

    Trade fairs and women: An open letter to the organizer

    The trade fair was invented in medieval Europe at the time merchant capitalism swept across the continent. They are exhilarating events that group together all associated with the industry...

  • wosb woman owned small business certification

    Boss Lady

    Year of the Female Leader

    The concept of gender balance is now firmly on the agenda for proactive businesses this year. Finally they have realised that including women in leadership roles is a great...

  • time schedule rushed

    Boss Lady

    The 7 deadly sins of time management

    When it comes to smart time management, we are all a little sinful. I mean, where does the time go? To ensure your ongoing success it will help to...

  • rules of engagement

    Boss Lady

    Let it go

    Let it go has become a nation-wide catch cry thanks to the seemingly ubiquitous Frozen, but when it comes to letting go of control over aspects of your business,...

  • risk management how to become an influencer leadership qualities

    Boss Lady

    Businesswomen’s Hall of Fame honours

    With International Women’s Day just around the corner on Sunday 8 March, it’s appropriate timing for the annual Australian Businesswomen’s Network to announce the 2015 entrants into its Hall...

  • content marketing

    Boss Lady

    4 steps to negotiate with confidence

    For many women, just the sound of the word negotiation makes us cringe. We immediately break out in a cold sweat at the thought of having to step up...

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