All posts tagged "women entrepreneurs"
Could SMEs set the benchmark for good business behaviour?
When does the business focus shift from the needs of the customer to the needs of the shareholders and investors? Every year, about 50 million businesses start up around the world. More than 500,000 businesses...
Women entrepreneurs: busting the myths
Starting a business is difficult enough without encountering additional issues. The stigma around women running a business has been around since forever, but it slowly starts to fade away given the new mentality of people....
5 Work-life balance tips for women entrepreneurs
Some might say the advent of hit TV shows like Dragon’s Den has done a lot to fuel the inner entrepreneur in many women. But many more would argue an ambitious and competitive streak is...
Affiliate marketing for women entrepreneurs
Although gender equality has blurred the lines between traditional roles, women still tend to be relied upon to take on board the bulk of domestic tasks, especially where rearing children is concerned. But this aspect...
7 Key traits of successful entrepreneurs
Being an entrepreneur takes far more than ideas and money alone. To succeed as an independent business owner, you’ll need to develop specific skills and traits. If you find you already have these traits, then...
Many mountains to climb: The modern female entrepreneur’s challenges
Running a business in the modern world is a tumultuous task, add into the mix running a business and being a woman, it seems that you’ve got another mountain to climb. While it’s quite an...
It’s A (Wo)Man’s world too!
We’ve all heard the popular song from James Brown – It’s A Man’s World. We have to disagree. The evolution of women over the last century has come on leaps and bounds, and even though...
3 Tips to help women entrepreneurs succeed
Women make up half of the educated workforce and earn the majority of advanced degrees. In school, college and university, women outperform their male counterparts. However, the workplace paints a very different picture. Women don’t...
7 Things powerful women do differently
When a powerful woman walks into a room, she’ll be sure to turn heads. She carries herself with confidence and exudes a certain enigma the way women leaders do. The way she walks, talks, and...