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    5+1 tips: how to behave like a leader

    There have been many discussions why the percentage of female business leaders is still so remarkably low – even more so in the startup world. Is it because women...

  • Boss Lady

    Tips for working with your parents

    The line between your professional and person life is thin when you share an office with your family. This means that family time easily shifts into discussing business, which...

  • appear more confident

    Boss Lady

    5 easy style tips for the busy businesswoman

    If your ‘makeup routine’ consists of just lip balm and moisturizer, you’re probably a busy businesswoman.  If your idea of an updo is a messy ponytail, you’re probably a...

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    3 key tips to have more influence

    Want to have more influence in your business and career world? Of course you do. We all know those people who always seem to garner attention. People look up...

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    Boss Lady

    Are you subconsciously sabotaging your career?

    So … are you sabotaging your career? Of course not! I hear you scoff. But really, you probably are and don’t even know it. As women in business we...

  • appear more confident

    Boss Lady

    Why Suits’ Donna is the businesswoman’s hero

    If you are a religious follower of the hit TV series Suits, you’ll have a career-girlcrush on Donna. And what she did at the end of Season 4 and...

  • Great Leader

    Boss Lady

    5 key things a businesswoman needs to know

    Running a business is fulfilling in so many ways, but it is not easy. Nothing can prepare you for the rollercoaster ride that you’ll experience, or the curve balls...

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    Boss Lady

    3 easy 5-minute hairstyles for a work function

    It goes without saying that professional women these days juggle a variety of commitments throughout the week. Apart from time in the office, work and corporate functions are increasingly...

  • working with women

    Boss Lady

    6 things to know when choosing a coach

    There comes a point as a business owner where we will need direction and guidance from someone who has been where we are right now. That’s when you need...

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    Boss Lady

    12 tips to negotiate a higher salary

    People always say that money can’t buy happiness. And that’s true. But it can certainly buy us things we enjoy. We just have to get it first. However, when...

  • Drama young business woman

    Boss Lady

    Take the emotion out of it

    As Women, our gift is that we ‘feel’. However it can also be our downfall when we feel too much. I am sure that you, like me, are a...

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    Business of Men

    The oestrogen guilt trip

    As a coach, I don’t like to generalise and this is definitely not that; the fact is, as a woman, a working mum and a coach of both males...

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